Sand Creek Massacre – New Evidence

Sand Creek Massacre – New Evidence. New evidence has emerged as far as the Sand Creek Massacre of 1864. This massacre was perpetrated on the American Indians by the US Calvary. The calvary mistakenly mowed down innocent men, women and children during this battle. The troops laid down heavy fire on an Indian village near Sand Creek Colorado. This so-called battle was actually a misinterpretation of orders.

Old men, women and children

The old men left to protect the camp as well as the women and children were subject to heavy rifle fire as well as cannon fire. This early morning attack was unprovoked and unnecessary. New evidence found on a private ranch has clearly shown this was a massacre. For more evidence about this ranch see book We Found The Lost Sand Creek Site.” – Chuck and Mike Bowen. It was lost by an historian’s map but found by a soldier’s clue. So it is much like today we have lost guidance. So, we should ultimately seek true guidance before we act.

Our heavenly Father will never leave His children on their own (Deut 31:6.–He is with each believer right now. Know that the Holy Spirit is present, enabling you to hear, an His voice will remain clear, no matter what questions you may have. There is no rush; when the Lord speaks, take your time listening to be certain you’re hearing from Him. (Information on the Holy Spirit here). Just as our life in Christ is most rewarding when the body of Christ listens to Him and cooperates with one another, so it is in Ps 133.


Though much about the eastern plains of Colorao is largely forgotten and overlooked as an expanse of endless prairie, Silas became a sniffing archeologist. Besides barking at cows you can read the book to find how he helped make the discoveries we have today. “Truth is generally the best vindication against slander.” – Abraham Lincoln.

New relics found

New relics that have been found have put this massacre site at a different location than what was indicated. Although George Bent’s plan saved many lives, his map was incorrect. Historical mapping and aerial pictures reveal new site and new insights. Hopefully the famed E. Curtiss displays in Denver Public Library will get the latest artifacts for display.

New Bent’s Fort in 1853

This fort was built close to Cheyenne and Arapahoe favorite campground, Big Timber, near the Arkansas River. Over 15,000 casualties of 106,000 soldiers engaged in four battles pertaining to this massacre and its relics. The fort today is a site for tourists to enjoy the history of trade on the plains in multi languages. The buffalo hide was the primary object which both fed and kept warm the people of all ethnic groups.

Hope for Today lies in the return of Jesus Christ (Yeshua) to rule and reign upon the earth over all nations. The full story of this occurred in 150-180 chapters in the Bible. Little is taught about this in many churches today where the focus is on 90 chapters of the Gospel of Christ’s first coming. Signs show the end of this age is nearing and preparedness is essential. Teaching is best exchanged in small groups of study and shared information. Resources from the Bible can be obtained at

Lies through a Broken Prism

Lies through a Broken Prism is inclusive about what today’s world has become. The Amercian Dream used to be owning property, a white picket fence, a car in the driveway and happy children. The treading across the wild open west was to set up a homestead with acreage. With the world today we are lucky to get a half acre and a 2 room house. And, in certain parts of this country the middle class has been priced out of that market entirely. This is due to higher inflation, lack of jobs, lack of intererst to work. Generally there is no interest from the younger generation.

Who is telling the lies?

It all starts at the top no matter who that may be. It is all “trickle down economics.” Our one time truth-teller, America’s greatest writer/journalist Mark Twain explains the difference between a lie and a cat. That being “a cat has only 9 lives.” It seems that daily the myth is perpetuated that everything is fine and that our economy is OK. Then, depending on your source, everything is NOT fine! It is like looking through a broken prism that shows you a differing view than what you see.

The truth is not always apparent

Much like the atmosphere refracts light, the spoken word is bent and reflected like lies through a broken prism. It is left to our judgment on what exactly we need to do. Who do we trust? What path do we take to the truth? We can follow the cat with great judgment as to where the truth actually lies.

Drawing conclusions

We as a nation we are “demonized by the press.” And the media are far from Abraham Lincoln’s advice: “Honesty is the Best Policy.” We can seek God’s help to bring honesty back. Pray Psalms 120:1 – 121:2 “Save me, Lord, from lying lips and from deceitful tongues.” “Bible is a prism through which the light of truth shines. It is the inerrant word of God. In the Book of Revelation 4, the apostle John was called up into heaven to see the throne of God where it was encircled by a prism of light, a rainbow. The best way to see God and life clearly is to become acquainted with the full counsel of His written word, the lens of truth.” –Detective Sunshine, Art and Constitution cat, with bright light eyes.

lies through a broken prism
Cat eyes like a prism of light and truth – Detective Sunshine, Art and Constitution Cat

Information at the top comes from two top contenders for truth. God (truth) and Satan (Father of lies, Deceiver of worlds and mankind). This is like the view through a broken prism. This is where the truth shines through but gets distorted to lies and deception. So we have a decision to make between right and wrong and sometimes between right and almost right. The news industry spends a lot of time inventing things to be mad about and outrage is a full-time job.

Money talks

As a top billionnaire funder we have George Soros. He was thrown out of his native Hungary because of his extreme political views. The gamut runs from football to science blaming “plantation-economy all the way. The once reputable “Scientific American” magazine broke its 175 year-long tradition for not endorsing a political candidate. In October 2020 it broke its own policy to support Biden. This was over then President Donald Trump arguing that they “felt compelled to do so.” They said: “Biden has a record of following the data and being guided by science.” Uh-huh. The internet responded saying a quote from Franz Kafka “Denial of guilt is proof of guilt.” It is a fun run on the merry-go-round. Republican dealings within its own party have proven to be equally devastating to fair and just governing.

Political football

The Speaker of the House has historically controlled the Rules Committee. This is a good thing, because they often take the power from the leadership and thus reduce the chance of passing omnibus bills. This totals millions of dollars, being passed in the middle of the night without anybody having read them. Newly elected speaker Kevin McCarthy has a net disapproval rate of 32%. This is the largest among major American political figures. And, because some of his own party dislikes him, tension is thus created within the party. Much has to do with the persistency of Republican leaders overpromising and underdelivering on sweeping reforms. Much like football players huddling up. Sharing stadium parking lots creates physical fitness and good food for all.

Buyer beware

Throughout the last election the inane Meme warfare proved curiously effective in succeeding to divide America. Caveat Emptor, buyor beware. Rather be aware of Abraham Lincoln’s admonishmment: “A house divided cannot stand” a Biblical teaching. Now a recent interview at large of pedestrians reveals that none could quote one scripture from the Bible. 2023: A New Year survey of parents and the public agree on much of what should be taught in schools. Studies show most people know perilously little about their country’s history and what makes its government and civil society tick.

Schools are a mess

Our schools and colleges have done a miserable job of ameliorating this. Second, most parents know equally little about what’s actually being taught (or not) to children in today’s schools. Third, the professional culture warriors have a vested interest in fanning the flames and dropping bombs rather than encouraging consensus. The last thing we need is endless warfare over what schools should teach children about history and civics. A survey by the Jack Miller Center found 89% deem it ‘very important’ that our students have a basic understanding of the Declaration of Independence. And, as well as the U. S. Constitution, and the responsibilies of citizenship before they graduate from high school.’

Of the 3 R’s is (Reading) to the rescue. This is the honest written word that will continue to unearth what our eyes refuse to see. There are the makings of consensus out there ready to be embraced. Wouldn’t it be grand if our pundits, politicians, and educators resolved to recognize it in 2023? Our founding fathers used the Word of God to develop this nation. Celebrate this fact in joyfulness in praise and thanksgiving. Psalm 33:20-22. Be rescued from liars Psalm 31:4-5. God rescues the helpless Psalms 35:10. Jesus said: “My sheep hear my voice” John 10:27.

Public Schools

Show up at church with the same enthusiasm you bring to a ballgame! The Father of the Public Schools in America, Benjamin Rush, MD, said to use your voice for helping the brain. Interesting your brain uses 10 watts of energy to think and does not feel pain. How the brain becomes the mind is still a mystery. Thankfully you can get the soothing vitality from the Holy Spirit to calm you and give you peace. As we do this turning to the Lord Jesus Christ (Yeshua). We ask him to forgive our sins and become the Lord and Savior of our lives. He, in turn, will put the Holy Spirit into you to live in you. This will guide you, and give you the knowledge and peace you need to overcome this wicked world.

Franklin said it best

Lies through a broken prism
Lies told us today

“He who learns but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger.”

Lies through a broken prism
Cats’ eyes like light of truth

Biden’s investment rules threaten your retirement savings. Also, as investors lose the ability to choose where their investments can be made. This has been made worse by being robbed of them and their high rate of return. This occurred on their nest eggs as well as losing the gas cooking stoves in their homes.

Cat’s love — a precious commodity. “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” – Anatole France. Get soothing here: One can’t look at a sleeping cat and feel tense.  Nap in a sunbeam.

God — I AM — Like a supernatural cloud showering peace into pool of the mind. It is a flow of soothing vitality. This came before the foundation of the world. It flows from God’s nature to bless and give and our nature to receive with thankfulness. God “I AM” is the goal of all your searching. “My light shines in every situation you will ever face.” Live radiantly by expanding your focus to include me in all your moments, Psalm 27:8. A walk in the forest will fill your lungs with health — O2 and sunshine. This is stress-reducing for people. The trees give off essential oils which are healing called phytoncides –the volatile organic organic compounds (VOC’s) emitted by trees. These they are visual, olfactory, and some are ingestible.


There is an interconnectedness between scientific discoveries–and to have the whole picture one must connect the parts. -James Burke

So it is with spiritual life. “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude about it.” – Maya Angelou. For a different take see here:


As of May 2023 While we are not in crisis mode any longer, we can’t let our guard down per WHO, (World Health Organization.) There have been over 1,124,000 deaths in US from confirmed cases. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention sees this as the fourth leading cause of death We still do not know China’s role due to lack of cooperation on the issue.

Covid facts and fantasies

The Covid facts and fantasies about the virus were supposedly born in a research facility in Wujan China. There are many facts that point to the research facility and its lack of containment. Rumors abound about where this virus was born, The facts tell us that it had to start somewhere and Wujan is probably the most well documented fact that we know of. Crisis Hot Line for your mental health is 844 493 8255.

In the real world we have scientists and workers. Because the two do not work together things happen to promote such instances as viruses. Strange things can happen when rumors abound. Containment should be the key. Was this indeed, meant to be shared with the whole world?

Alternate Text Covid Facts and Fantasies
Missy, Karate Cat

Subterfuge and misinformation

BEl gato en el sombrero

Because The Communist government still denies that this was an experiment of their doing. The Covid facts and fantasies about this virus can be traced to a starting point. This is much like the influenza that goes around every year. This virus got started with an imported variant bat that got released to the general population. Known as “gain of function” – highly illegal research. American interests are not free of involvement either.

Subterfuge As of May 2023 -Because we are not in crisis mode any more, we can’t let our guard down per the WHO, (World Health Organization.) There have been over 1,124,000 deaths in US from confirmed cases. It has become the 4th leading cause of death by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Because we will probably never know China’s role due to a lack of cooperation on this issue.

Easy health solution

In research papers we learned that ivermectin might be dangerous to the general public. This has turned out to be a deception upon the whole world. For better pricing of this go to My Free Doctor. com. Scientists also tell us “Having a dog or cat in your life makes you healthier just by stroking them. This releases a chemical into your blood called oxytocin which reduces stress.” If you don’t have a pet around ,look firstly to the poetic psalm 1:11. Thus the psalmist wrote that the man who meditates on God’s word is like a fruitful tree planted by a river. We offer more healing poetry here at Crisis Poetry.

Warned a long time ago. .

Abraham Lincoln well described our situation today: “it is easier to find where to go if you know where you are at.” The Chinese government and its Communist backing have instilled the “one line of thought” doctrine. This doctrine is the belief of the government and to challenge it could lead to imprisonment or even death. We still don’t know the whereabouts of some of the scientists that worked on this project at Wujan. We have no idea what the Chinese were thinking when their general population that was infected got to travel the globe. Some American scientists are discussing about the validity of the findings and their ongoing repercussions.

How did we get to the place China could force the world to a standstill? Concerns are growing over China’s hypersonic missile test in August. China is a place of origin for many items that we use daily. Many container ships wait off shore and wait to unload. This has caused supply chain problems. Everyday items are still in short supply because of this. And, it appears that the Grinch has stolen Christmas once more. This may be the prod that causes us to look inward and deeper for spiritually this time of year in history?

Container ships waiting to dock and unload.

Supply Chain Problems

If you are having supply chain problems consider this mail order item.

There is no shortage of delicious things we have available here. In stock USA made no supply chain problems: Go here:

P is for popcorn that’s good enough for me.

Spread the Hope-as Jesus said

Protein popcorn is your solution to that sugary struggle and highly processed foods that millions of folks struggle with. This product is an excellent source of protein. This popcorn has many ingredients that will get you to a healthier lifestyle. This popcorn contain healthy ingredients and are good for you!

Jump from the worlds “worst Junk food” to the “Worlds Best Snack food” – For information on healthy popcorn see here:

“Fine Wines are just a few clicks away!  Now you don’t even need to leave your home.  They come right to your door.  And you get the benefit of amazing Experiences each and every glass!

Capitalism of Scottish Adam Smith

The only type of economic system that has worked through history is now defunct in the biomedical market of the US. Consumers must rely on the evaluation of experts. And with prescription drugs, the manufacturers have a monopoly on the information. Covid facts and fantasies have run rampant for many years.

Oliver Wendell Holmes, physician and humorist, in 1869 said “The state of medicine is an index of the civilization of an age and country–one of the best, perhaps, by which it can be judged.” Medical science is a wonderful gift. And,we should use this gift wisely and see that it serves the American people by providing the best and most efficient care. The medical industrial complex shouldn’t try to hold us hostage

UNHAPPY PEOPLE: The pandemic-The chaos of the Covid years scarred a lot of people, shaking their sense of stability. When Americans were asked whether the country or the Economy was on the right track, they didn’t treat it as a query about Gross Domestic Income, or unemployment, but more like a Therapist asking “how are things.”

And, if they sense a negative vibe in the world historical trauma, is that really a surprise? The question is now weather Biden will be “graded harshly” for those vibes in 2024.

Personally escaping today’s woes

Goodbye America, Hello Banana Republic! America, also known as the “shining city on a hill” is gone. It has been replaced by a country with a weaponized criminal justice system. This has become a radicalized educational system, and a news media that is a mouthpiece for a tyrannical government. Calypso singer was at headfront of Civil Rights Movement in the 60’s.

Personally escaping today’s woes can be as simple as escaping to the 100 Acre Woods. The 100 Acre Woods is a place in the book “Winnie the Pooh.” Our imaginations are encouraged to roam freely. Much like Christopher Robins in the forest above the woods with his furry friends. This place leads us through our imagination to a kinder, more helpful, and better world. To read this fascinating book

see here:

Reading lets your mind imagine things

Mark Twain’s River Boat Mansion – Belafonte song

When we read our mind expands and we see things in a different setting. Mark Twain – known as America’s greatest journalist and writer, connects us with our spirituality and our present world as well — like a hand fits in a glove. So should your imagination when you read amazing things. This will let you escape the many woes that today has handed you. “It is hard to think straight when your imagination is out of focus.” – Mark Twain, River Boat captain on the Mississippi River.

Heading into the 100 Acre Woods

A bear however hard he tries, grows chubby without exercise.

personally escaping todays woes

Our Teddy Bear is short and fat, which is not to be wondered at;

He gets what exercise he can by falling off the ottoman,

But generally seems to lack the energy to clamber back.

Click here to open your imagination

The Hundred Acre Woods allows your imagination to use your mind and go to a happier place rather than play with plastic/electronic toys that break! We can ge refreshed with these adorable animal friends of Pooh Bear.

Good, Better, Best

Escaping Today's woes
“The Snail” by Matisse

Good, better, best. Never let it rest. ‘Till your good is better an your better is best. (St. Jerome) Follow artist and scientist to focus on your hopes and not your hurts. Joy is the feeling we don’t want to miss. Joy is found in the things that we love to do like taking care of our pets. Dogs can be good “reading buddies” as they tend to defray stress. For understanding how this may be we can look at the kindergarten setting (Child’s Garden). Both the artist and scientist at Columbia U show us how our body’s own stress works. The stress-reducing neurotransmitter is serotonin. It is produced in the smallest creature, the snail, on up the scale to us.

A child’s play is his work — Serotonin

We begin stress in all walks of life from kindergarten to grade school. Then off to college, as well as everyday work. It helps to have your feel-good serotonin (neurotransmitter between sensory and motor neurons) working for you. Moderate your fight/flight response in the ways we suggest. Then we learn from digging in the dirt as well. Working with your hands in rich gardening soil can generate serotonin and dopamine which are both chemicals that produce a feeling of happiness. Earth Day and always.

Values for the next generation

Human Stars to the War

A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning. Actor/teacher Kirk Cameron makes books teaching values vital and interesting. Libraries can present the “Freedom Island” book. In book “As You Grow” the moral of the story is that people need to possess the same qualities and faith=based values as the acorn to “develop and grow as we go through different seasons in our lives.” Cameron starred in family sitcom Growing Pains as teen idol Mike Seavor. A former actress/story-teller, Maude Fealy, enthralled students with literature in the school rooms of Los Angeles. She started her career as a child star at Elitch Gardens Theater in Denver, CO.

Together is My Favorite Place to Be

  • “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
  • “You’ll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut.”
  • “Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.”
  • “Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the things you can think up if you only try.”
  • “It’s better to know how to learn than to know.”
  • Dr. Seuss Rx

Media Needs a New Direction

Tapping an extraordinary amount of research, Rand Paul, MD wrote that Dr. Fauci’s NIH (National Institute of Health) not only funded dangerous, illegal gain-of-function virus research at a Wuhan, China, lab.

But: that Fauci knew it was the source of COVID as early as February 2020 and spent years covering it up. Journalists complied with him leaving Rand Paul to say “The ignorance of today’s ‘journalists’ is staggering. They only know how to repeat the dogma fed to them.” Book “Deception (The Great CoverUP”} – Rand Paul. Thus the great need for Mark Twain today as above.

Guidebook for Journalism and Hope

Looking to a mentor of truth and hope we find Gay Talese, the most stylish writer out there. In an effort to divert the 90 million deaths predicted from World War III, we can do as Talese does by focusing on the truths of the common man as marginal, tangential, and incidental figures, more interesting than the bigwigs and institutions they serve. Seeing less about the flunkees protecting the flanks but finding a guidebook to best practices in journalism.

(“Bartleby and Me”by Gay Talese) In an age in which fame is often the lone determinant of media coverage, Talese offers a shining counterexample. You’ll come away from his last book believing there are no nobodides, there are just bad writers. After the Russians in 1957 had launched a dog name Laika into orbit, he wrote about other headline-making dogs in history. The life of virtually anybody can be compelling if thoroughly reported and elegantly told. For starters grab up your favorite reading buddy dog and begin the journey to hope with the youth:

Things you didn’t know about QP

Things you didn’t know about QP (quantum physics). Don’t run! Don’t hide! This is NOT a high school class that you need to be afraid of! Quantum Physics as we know it today is in our everyday lives. Whether you like it or not you use QP everyday whether you realize it or not. Xi has declared a “people’s spy war on America” which is the Communist Party’s way of justifying an attack on America. Their tool, Tik Tok has glorified drug use, pushed critical race theory, and amplified Russian disinformation about the war in the Ukrain. They have powerful algorhithms which can turn the minds of the youth against their country.

Schroedinger’s cat –

Schroedinger was looking for a way to convey what he saw as the central flaw in it as a way of describing reality. This became the scenario with a cat in a locked steel chamber, wherein the cat’s life or death depended on the state of a radioactive atom, whether it had decayed and emitted radiation or not. Schrödinger did not wish to promote the idea of dead-and-live cats as a serious possibility; on the contrary since Schrödinger’s time, various interpretations of the mathematics of quantum mechanics have been advanced by physicists.

Some of which regard the “alive and dead” cat superposition as quite real, others do not. Intended as a a touchstone for modern interpretations of quantum mechanics and can be used to illustrate and compare their strengths and weaknesses., he intended the example to illustrate the absurdity of the existing view of quantum mechanics. Robert Heinlein takes up the challenge in his Comedy of Manners where Pixel the cat at one point goes through a wall because he didn’t know it was impossible. He appears with the central character whenever and wherever in the novel ” The Cat Who Walks Through Walls.”

Shroedinger’s Cat Experiment

Things you didn't know about QP
China’s Spy Machine

Quantum physics/things you didn’t know about QP is what we use in everyday life. It is more commonly known as quantum mechanics. It is a body of work that seems to explain the universe on a tiny scale. The laws of physics that work for us humans just don’t apply when things are extremely tiny. There are only possibilities or probabilities, no impossibilities. We have a God who delights in impossibilities.  —  Andrew Murray

Art: to learn it and remember it

You can learn and remember 8 times faster if you draw it. Arts influence on humanity is renown. Great works of art transmit heritage, disseminate knowledge and wisdom, and fortify character. They hold exalted positions in the great civilizations of the West and the East. The long lasting influence of orthodox art can exert on society is available and documented in books and media alike. Upright art conforms to natural law, imitates divine wisdom, and brings with it special energy and effects. It benefits people by feeding both the senses and the soul. The greatest artists work not only on the physical, technical level, but also more importantly on the spiritual level, in their communion with the theme of the work.

Art and its influence

Such artists sometimes express a sense of experiencing a higher force beyond this physical world. The ideas that formed the Constitution itself came from great classical poets. Poetry is a recommended source for returning the educational system about face to one of being thoughtful and moral. Understanding the great power of poetry and art can help us better understand its importance and why the evil elements want to undermine and sabotage it.

Of sabotage, C.S. Lewis writes: “Enemy occupied territory–that is what the world is. Christianity is the story of how the rightful King has landed, you might say landed in disguise, and is calling all of us to take part in a great campaign of sabotage.”

A statement from a famed landscape painter. “Reflected light is never as strong as its source light.” “Reflected light belongs to the shadow and as such it must support, not compete with the lighted areas of your painting.” Novice painters tend to exaggerate reflected light. He teaches his art students that “anything that has direct light falling on it in a scene becomes a source of light itself.” Applications of this are in Einstein’s Quantum Light Theory. Einstein further said: “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”

Who We Are

Enlightenment today is to find God and no longer separate spirit and matter. We learn from QP that matter is simply fields of force made dense by the spirit of energy. Having become one with the universe, not separate or different from it. We are in it, all of us, and swimming in an energy that is God. To be enlightened is to see behind the shapes and icons that intend to personalize God to the God that is too personal, too encompassing to be any one shape or form or name. Heaven is here (Eph 1) so place your union with Life that gives Life.

Ⓙⓐⓒⓚ Ⓗⓘⓓⓐⓡⓨ
Author of Quantum Computing: An Applied Approach, which is now a course textbook in many universities. CEO of
, which focuses on #AI.

Chinese influence today

Whether you like it or not, the Chinese have influenced our outlooks and our very existence. Just look around you and see what ISN’T made over seas. One walk through Walmart should be enough to convince you of this. In the world of Quantum Physics this may seem like just small particles. But, in the grand scheme of things it might as well be the universe. The next time you need milk and eggs, on your travels through the aisles try to prove this theory wrong. What is quantum physics? Put simply, it’s the physics that explains how everything works: the best description we have of the nature of the particles that make up matter and the forces with which they interact. Quantum physics underlies how atoms work, and so why chemistry and biology work as they do.

Influence in Art

Albert Einstein: “Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.” Everything is vibration, frequency, energy. See how this works.

Things you didn't know about QP
A foolish enemy of authority is the worst enemy of truth – A. Einstein
 Things you didnt know about QP
Contentious with covid

Importance of QP

America is under attack. The Left’s plan to destroy democracy and install a socialist regime is now well documented and very obvious to all who have eyes to see. Main Street has gone woke and the current conflict of visions will result in a country not only divided by race and inequality but by media bias presented on social media. The ultimate result will be a Hobbsean nightmare — a prestate status of war of all against all. Hobbes: “Life is nasty, brutish, and short.” One positive remedy for all having easy access to encouragement through friends is here.

Liars’ (Pinocchio) Effect

The Pinocchio spirit dominates the world today. If so, why should we forget everything we know about the 19th Century puppet in exchange for it being a rallying cry? Because a new translation reveals it was a cry for universal education and Italian nationhood. These are pressing needs for changes in our own culture today. Written by the pen name Carlo Collodi “The Story of a Puppet” written in 1881 was meant to undermine the traditional idea of a fairy tale—and also send a political message. It has been adapted to film 18 times.

The original story was not primarily about lying of which was only a part of his general misbehavior. The puppet makes a lot of poor choices one of which leads to poor woodcarver Geppetto’s arrest. When Italy first univied only 25 percent of Italians could read and write. By 1880, free compulsory schooling had raised the literacy rate to nearly 40 percent. This is almost comparable to study done with a dog in the classroom where reading at grade level rose to 52% in US study conducted by a nurse.


Inside the secret government meeting on COVID-19 Natural Immunity four high ranking US health officials met with Immunologists to discuss public health messaging on vaccines in relation to natural immunity. No participants represented experts who hold that individuals with natural immunity generally don’t need any doses at all. “It was a really impactful decision that they made in private with a very small number of people involved. And they reached the wrong decision.” – Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Stanford University professor. A great visual metaphor of COVID-19 is to see the body as a military base and the soldiers are the Immune system which attacks the virus to repel it. If cytokines (the base) attacks the soldiers it is a storm. The soldiers go berserk and in turn attack the base. Then Anti-imflammatory drugs are needed before the entire military base is in flames. See “Visual Thinking” by Temple Grandin.

Covid update

As of May 2023 While we are not in crisis mode any longer, we can’t let our guard down per WHO, (World Health Organization.) There have been over 1,124,000 deaths in US from confirmed cases. It was deemed the 4th leading cause of death by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. We still do not know China’s role due to lack of cooperation on the issue.

References for everyday QP

Books for understanding Quantum Physics: “Parallel Universes” by Fred Alan Wolf and “The Drawing Wu Li Master — An overview of New Physics.” For more on healing from QP see “The Healing Code” by Alexander Lloyd and Ben Johnson – No 1 Best Seller on Amazon.

Life in Tuun

Life in Tuun

Living life in Tuun can be a very healthy and rewarding experience. When our bodies are in Tuun we are in balance. Hundreds of millions are addicted to electronic devices. These emit harmful radiation. Screen addiction and its effect on brains are actually damaging a masterpiece of God’s creation — the human mind. The “word” tells us you are God’s Poiema “poetry/masterpiece” because of your potential to communicate with Him. The pandemic of turning to our electronic gadgets instead of this supernatural help – The olive Tree of Life – is immense.

Life in Tuun
We are like a tree drawing its roots from fresh water.

The poet David Crowder wrote of How He Loves me….He is jealous for me. Loves like a hurricane. I am a tree, bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy…it all has me bending like a tree under the weight of such great love.

These statistics should be a warning to us all. We touch our phones an average of 2,617 times every 24 hours. We are part of one of the most significant cultural phenomena in human history, screen addiction. Many struggle compulsively with cell phones and latest social media posts. To survive this predicted end time flow of bombarding information we must “cultivate our own ‘olive gardens’ physically, emotionally, and spiritually.” As American businesses face some real economic headwinds they might consider a little nugget of common sense as did the actual Olive Garden restaurant chain did when high executives in the company when they went to work at an actual restaurant. How to serve the hungry with breadsticks.

Soul Balance and Spiritual Poise

To regain our soul balance in these turbulent times we must rest and recharge. In doing so we learn the valuable lesson from aging ones: You can’t take it with you. It is one of the thoughts that can keep you centered as you go throughout your day. Its that impact of you (being irreplaceable) that can truly make a difference in another person’s life, however brief.

And, it won’t be because of your title or fancy watch you are wearing, but because of the smile you are sharing, the door you opened, or letting another person or car into the line or lane in front of you. Each one of us is irreplaceable and it is wise to take care of yourself physically to protect and recharge as we look at age – not young, not old, but timeless – with a hint of mystery. Joy may be considered as a super spreader of Christ-like traits wherever you go. You can create and maintain new systems that will improve quality of our life.

Pandemic Times

Life in the Smile Zone

Life in the Smile Zone offers solace to all in a world gone “topsy-turvey.” Stop. Smile. It is not illegal yet. SMILE. GO ON. The cheer found here will give you a joyful countenance (face). The best cosmetic available. If you are one who has discovered “the battle is the Lord’s” greet the day with gratitude and praise with your “holy smile.” Know that even those in the grip of sin and frailty can recognize the joy of the Lord in a true believer. This “smile” becomes a convicting moment for those not yet a “sheep in the fold of the Good Shepherd Jesus.” Include a Smile A Day You should include a smile a day to keep the dark clouds away. Don’t worry be happy! It costs so little to give and enriches those who receive so much. Promoting the bond of peace in Unity “is the state of being united into one Holy Spirit.” This is not “uniformity of overall sameness” as in the Tower of Babel, destroyed by God because He was not given preeminence. Nor is it like the story of the four brothers using the abilities given them to create a lion. Though each one did his part, without the preeminence of God they were soon killed and eaten by the Lion they created. Herein lies the danger of our technologies and advancements unless we approach all of life with the attitude of Colossians 1:18 “In all things He must have the preeminence.”

Sam I AM

Jesus – I AM – joy in us. Let your smile shine through.

The “bond of peace in Unity” allows for the possibility of “iron sharpening iron” (Prov 27:17). TEAM – Together Everybody Accomplishes More – The strength of the team is the strength of each member. The strength of each member strengthens the team. Fly far and high when your imagination is in focus.

Magic Stardust

Life in the Smile Zone

If I feel sad or glum I take a pinch of Magic Stardust just one I run to face the Magic Mirror In hopes of seeing My World clearer I hold The Stardust above my furrowed Crown Reality Check Sprinkling Lightly, I watch my Frown Turn Upside Down And my Tears of Pain and Sadness Transform into smiles and Cheers of Gladness


There’s a sermon in the “holy smile” of God’s faithful people. Just as the Holy Spirit does, let a smile in your smile umbrella shield you from negative feelings and thoughts.

To have Life in the Smile Zone draw your smile curve inside the J curve. Then put two dots for eyes above it. When troubles come pouring down take your smile upward on the umbrella. For everyday protection see here. This will fend them off and dismiss with a simple “Oh, well.”

Life in the Smile Zone

Ever since the onset of Covid 19 with its masked mandate, our children have been forced to wear these masks. From studies done it has shown that these are not effective at stopping the virus. It is also known that they keep children from taking in healthy air. (Which leads to good concentration) but rather taking in unhealthy carbon dioxide (food for plants). So spit spot, to turn these frowns from upside down to right side up smiles see here: Just a snap, crackle and POPCORN!

A suggestion for recovery from this anxiety in schools and many other sources of panic: “Jack Murphy The Karate Choke” by Paul Breau, a book.

Life in the Smile Zone
Can’t smile, breathe, or eat


As of May 2023 While we are not in crisis mode any longer, we can’t let our guard down per WHO, (World Health Organization.) There have been over 1,124,000 deaths in US from confirmed cases. It was deemed the 4th leading cause of death by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. We still do not know China’s role due to lack of cooperation on the issue.


Love is Discipline

Discipline as defined in the book of Proverbs says the purpose of the book is to teach people wisdom and discipline. That is how to live “disciplined and successful lives.”

Discipline is to train oneself to do something in a controlled and habitual way.  It has to do with dogged determination or diligence, a powerful act of the person’s character. Diligence is not an invitation to busyness, but a way of seeking daily what the Lord wants us to do. In the “Normal Christian Worker” Watchman Nee lists various qualifications for the servants of Christ. He begins with diligence. “It is in fact essential …that a Christian worker must be a person who will work.” God gives us new opportunities to serve Him every day. Do it with gladness and simplicity. Psalms 68:19 says, “Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits.” One of those benefits is meaningfulness-a set of purposes and assignments for each day.

There are many examples of Discipline paralleled in martial arts training and becoming a Christian. The way discipline is used in Martial Arts is to learn the basics first of all. This includes the cat stance, It is a flexible stance that is mainly used in defensive movements. It produces balance whereby it is hard to push one over. This is a usefull skill in preventing trips and falls. This is much like the spiritual advice for the Christian to “stand strong.” The many parallels between martial arts training and becoming a Christian have a solid strong foundation, one of which is respect for your opponent.

Martial arts stances require discipline

Strong foundations for body and soul

Tai Chi is good for our physical bodies as well as our spiritual well-being through meditation. It is particularly useful in getting brain to body coordination flowing. The energy (chi) to flow through the meridians help our movements and balance as we vision them. The first class may seem so easy with instructions in Teakwondo: “Put your left leg forward and your hands up.” Seemingly simple, it feels awkward at first. Like in everything else practice makes perfect. As for the soul the best instruction is from God’s word itself. Saying it aloud, and applying it to your life. “Whatever is commanded by the God of heaven, let it diligently (daily) be done for the house of the God of heaven.” Ezra 7:23 Our bodies are his house.

Practice speaking the word aloud

Do this so that the instructions (law) gets in your heart and works for you. Reading it isn’t enough. Dr. Benjamin Rush, MD, “Father of the Public Schools in America” said “Speech vibrates the brain.” Get the vibrations from the word of God and His vibrational energy into you, faith, by declaring the word aloud. Chi energy in the body helps form action into tendons and muscle memory. The holy spirit is our compass to guide us into understanding and right choices. The three components of faith are knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. As a father so directs his son in the Book of Proverbs in the Bible.

Rain for gain

Discipline for Dew

The diligence and hard work of the farmer is enhanced by gentle rains. Often God speaks of this as “dew” and promises it to come with UNITY. Psalms 133. A person who regards everything as a burden cannot be a faithful servant of the Lord.

“Dive Into Some Discipline for Dew”

Place your trust and faith in God –

And He’ll give you success –

True victory reigns in Discipline –

And when you do your best –

When you give your dream to God –

This trophy you receive – In heaven’s eyes, you always win –

if boldly you Believe – All Things with God are possible.”

Imagination makes possible

Discipline for Soul Balance and Spiritual Poise

Much like the movements in Tai Chi or other martial arts, the study of God’s word requires practice. As we are told, faith comes by hearing of God’s word. Once your own voice becomes involved, it becomes easier to trust your silent inner voice of the Holy Spirit. The Lord and Savior Jesus confesses you before the Father God. It is he who reaches you by the Holy Spirit. It is so that you can become attuned to the vibrations from above coming down to you. To develop skill in this communication, Doggedness (Diligence) is required. This is a key character trait needed for success in any area. What you don’t speak aloud may be very important! “Loose lips sink ships” and the master teacher Sun Tzsu knew to keep quiet about his plans and moves. Even cats know some things need to be buried.

Military Sayings

 Good military saying from Thucydides: “The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools.” Thucydides is a vital source for us – a source for ancient Greek history. And, has also been seen as a model for history-writing in general. To political theorists, however, he is a champion of political theory. And, the originator of ‘realist’ approaches to understanding political life.

Stand strong for God

If you don’t stand strong for Him you will fall for anything. And, that is about everything this “deceived” world has to offer at this point in time. Good daily instruction is found from Karate Black Belt Pastor Karen Eden Herdman Here. Discipline makes it easy to believe we have strong, mountain moving faith. This happens when we just listen on a regular basis to sermons and testimonies from others. We need to keep our own eye on almighty God so we do not strike out.

Mental Health Resources

So, if you’re one of the 53 million Americans with a mental illness. Or maybe one of the 32 million who are illegal drug users. Check out the Substances Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration at for information and help. The rewards of recovery are enormous — and you may thrive. To recharge, recalibrate and renew your brain see here:

Words of Common Sense and Wisdom

It has become fashionable to quote from martial artist Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War:” Believing we have always had a connection with China. Discipline is when taking it literally we might well consider the emphasis on deception in the Chinese way of war. The cat’s chop is a reminder that the blow seizes the initiative, and is delivered fast and early. The Chinese and cat’s strategy is asymmetric and contrary to appearances. It gets the job done. It is not delusional due to self-deceit. Like we find in America’s ruling class, a luxury we can no longer afford. Children learning correct US history – warts and all – can lead them to developing positive attitudes: Positive suggestions for keeping your head on straight can be as simple as playing with a pet. More ideas here:

Self respect RIF Reading is fundamental Daily Inspiration

Martial Artist
Martial Arts Teacher and Broadcaster
ACE — Accelerated Christian Education — for compelling stories

Texas’ last stand

Texas Last Stand

Texas’ last stand is in reference to its big heart for love of country and nation. Snoopy searches the stars at night for an answer to its illegal population surge with accompanying problems of drugs, sex trafficking, and murders. Old Testament poet, farmer, and prophet, Amos, warned about God’s wrath coming on a culture that went so far from Him. South Dakota poet, farmer, and teacher, Adam Ochsner, warned again for our times. He says: “Even the cats and the dogs don’t like the politicians.” Just wondering: “Is Fauci the white horse of Revelations? How do we get an answer? Snoopy shows us to meditate on God and prayer. Join with others for mutual support, healing, and prayer. Celebrate the blood of Jesus with a glass of wine and learn more about Him: gather with others in small groups.

Cats have class

Texas' last stand

The wordless thoughts bring in God’s grace like the “gentle dew from Heaven” as silently as their little feet bring in the fog. (Carl Sandburg) A double blessing for all who use the “Texas Remedy” is found in Shakespeare’s ‘Quality of Mercy’ speech. The blood for grace is recalled in “Spark for the Arc” per Jesus. Join with others to pray and uplift with Him as centerfold. Unity of the Spirit.

Texas' last stand
The Santa Fe Trail Lives On

Texas’ last stand brings for hope from its earlier success of the Santa Fe Trail. The current administration is not taking full advantage of Texas’ resources. Until and unless this changes we face many natural resource failings.

Tesla’s Electric Cars

Since Texas is the basis for Tesla’s Electric Cars, lets all hope that they can take advantage of the natural resources available. This also creates a demand for trained workers in the state. Creating a new tax base and income for the state and bring new life and order. First we need to have the infrastructure available to charge such electric vehicles. All this will eventually lead to us all driving electric cars. Lets all see if we can work together for that end.

Karate — empty hand –(but not empty head)

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. — J. F. Kennedy

To arise from adversity and troubles is possible and greatly furthered by God’s presence and comfort which increases accordingly. Don’t give up but, stand up. Go on learning and listening to Godly directions.

Drink in the Wild Wind

Drink in the Wild Wind to open our minds to creativity and the Holy Spirit. America is burning: When we Drink in the Wild Wind The way the world is evolving today we need to get back to the basics. This includes putting God back into all the places from where we have removed Him. His work should be one of fostering unity — not division. Today’s government is totally out of touch with this idea.

Starting from the bottom up, not the top down

Drink in the wild wind to learn from our mistakes. In today’s schools our children in the US are coddled and prepped into learning at an early age. This has led to an inverted pyramid style of learning. This is where our model goes southward. The Chinese believe in an early development and learning the basics while young. This ensures that while young the Chinese develop learning skills and problem solving ideologies. They are taught discipline at an early age and when they graduate to college life gets easier for them. It is a small wonder that out education system doesn’t work here in the US. It is due to this backwardness that our country keeps falling behind.

Minorities are Falling Further Behind

Calling for freedom

Drink in the wild wind to find enlightening words. Poet Toni Morrison who once called out the virtue of being in command of your own mind. “Being in in command of your own mind as one that manifests is the sacred privilege.” This is known to be lacking in today’s world. The attitude of young black girls entering segregated schools in the 60’s was one of decorum and respect. They had the strength from purpose and cause showing self-control and self-worth. Many of today’s young black women have no such desire or drive. Some still revere the foundings of the country as basis for freedom. Many of these girls grown into womanhood have taken up vocations such as found here:

Albert Einstein probably said it best

Looking to the father of Cosmic knowledge E=mc2. (Smithsonian 5/2018). He said the west is characterized by “Individualism to the extreme”, lovers of self, money, high minded. When referring to the Japanese woman, Einstein said “an exquisite flower-like creature….for her the common mortal must ode the word to the poet.” Hence Haiku poetry. Japanese culture involves the symbolic Neku cat which does well to display his hand of welcoming hospitality.

Drink in the Wild Wind
Yoga cat /cow stretch for pain

Drink in the Wild Wind
Drink in the Wild Wind
Missy Karate Cat – Grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus

Famous Chinese general Sun Tzu sums up the Martial Arts: “If you know yourself and know your enemy you need not fear the result of 100 battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will suffer defeat. If you know neither you will succumb in every battle.” Discover your enemy in book “Discovering God’s Natural Truth” — Cosmic religion. Call to order by phone 800-643-4645. Drink in the Wild Wind of the Holy Spirit and He will protect you. Missy says the East needs to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. The communion cup is to unify the body into one with Him in spirit.

Jesus says we need to all grow in unity. “Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and the government when they deserve it.” – Mark Twain. Favorite from “Buffalo Bill” who would often hire Native Americans from the Plains tribes so they didn’t have to live on the reservation in the 1800’s.

Drink in the Wild Wind
Learn respect for wild things