Religious Poetry

 The mind is complex and each day fields a multitude of thoughts both conscious and unconscious.  Added to these incessant thoughts are surroundings that bombard us with eye-catching distractions.  As the battle rages between Satan and the Lord our main goal is to keep our eyes focused on Father God in heaven lest we continually strike out in life.  Religious Poetry is intended to draw you closer to Peace by focusing on the King of Peace. 

Recent studies show 77% of Americans sleep fitfully.  I encourage the you to encounter the peace of God to calm you with Psalm 4:8. By understanding the Nutrients in this PRODUCT:  By understanding the predicament of man today — lack of major nutrients — I also encourage you to successfully navigate the modern day scene and checking out zlem to help with restful sleep.  As you awake to a better performance by spending time with Father God in prayer and scripture I want to alert you to bran a morning product that can help your brain accomplish the positive functions God wills for you.

Religious Poetry for a Broken World

On this page you will find religious poetry, for a broken world. From God’s perspective, we are in the end times where brokenness prevails.  Day in and day out. we’re faced with broken promises, broken people, and a broken world.  Again and again, our needs and expectations fail to be met.  As a result,  frustration triggered can easily tumble us into sin and stress.  The poetry presented causes us to experience plasticity (new neuron synapses to be formed). The still, small voice of God beckons us to push the reset button in our brains. This page contains my own personal thoughts on what God and religion is. If your beliefs are different please choose not to proceed and carry on your own personal beliefs as you see fit.

This is from a collection of poetry from Pastor Kurtis Klinghammer at First Christian Church@ Holly, CO. His favorite writer Robert Heinlein says “How we behave toward cats determines our status in heaven.”

I hope that this page of religious poetry has somehow brought you to a point of understanding your world today.

Dwell in possibility — wonderful world of poetry.  – Emily Dickinson

Let us dare to test God’s resources…..Let us ask Him to kindle in us and keep aflame that passion for the impossible that shall make us delight in it with Him, till the day when we shall see it transformed into a fact.

We have a God who delights in impossibilities.  —  Andrew Murray