First Things First For Today’s Youth

First Things First For Today’s Youth is a reference page for our youth to help through everyday tasks. Start out your day go here:

If you are struggling with reading abilities see here: or Reading is Fundamental with Pastor Vik here:

Vision from History—- A vision for victory

  This link will take you to a basic course on the US Constitution. Art and Constitution cat, Detective Sunshine, from the Reading Xpress highly recommends you go here.

   (Stand the shoulders of forefathers to rise and prosper.) Progressive thinking brought women into sports. A good goal is physical fitness for all ages, stages and genders. Here the Marines still say Semper Fidelis? Interaction is the key and loyalty is to be honored. Click on picture below to see how this works.


If aerobics are too much for our systems to achieve at this point, the playing of this game also add to our speed and can also be found in martial arts such as karate. Here the goal is self control and self exercise with respect to any opponent.


When reading books presented principles of God and good conduct the

Founder of Public Schools in US: Benjamin Rush, MD, shared them as his Christian faith suggested he do to train. He said “Speech vibrates the brain.” Science proves this by providing us with brain chemicals that act as good immune health boosters. These are produced in same area as speech, so “cells that wire together fire together.” This is tied together by our movements, fresh air and sunshine.

Grounded in Faith

We all need to be grounded in the Foundations of Faith and the Holy Bible as well as the 10 Commandments. We all need to go back to the fundamentals of First Things First and this is the way to start. “Benjamin Franklin said “A nation such as ours cannot exist without God” as stated above.

A Nation that can’t Read can’t Think — Be doers of the word, not merely hearers.

Amos and World Outcomes

Are you Aslan?

God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts to us in our pain. — C. S. Lewis

Reborn 3 R’s Repair, Restore, Reverse

    ABC of “Born again” – John 3:7

US Christian government and schools derived from Mayflower Contract, based on Biblical law.  New Englanders used text “The New England Primer” – reading with illustrations such as  “a,” ‘in Adam’s fall we sinned all”;

“b” heaven to find, the Bible mind”; and

“c,” “Christ crucified for sinners died.”

King David warrior spirit in midst of adversity “I am going to pursue, over take and recover” 1 Samuel 3:8 We all can look forward to his coming reign with Christ in the new millenium.

billy collins.GIF

A little known fact about Billy Collins is that he was the only current poet to earn a living with his poetry in the United States. Today, Poetry is not a very popular reading form, but it comes highly recommended for elasticity of the brain. It gets the concrete into the images whereby the brain connects to the mind.