Original Poetry Collection

Original Poetry Collection
Stick Man and Poki have a Friend

I have here an Original Poetry Collection. Or, as I like to refer to it, as “Poetry in a Nutshell” — need help facing the impossible? Why not explore the situation with elasticity of the brain? Poetry creates it and plasticity of the brain implements it. (Now talk is of plasticity of the immune system.) Poetry is a powerful universal language that surpasses all others. Its expansive words forms word pictures in the mind. It is most useful today when the chaotic, turbulent times create traumas and tragedies in our lives. From depth to height it sheds truth as a prism refracts light. The poetry of American Nobel Prize-winning poet, Louise Gluck (1943-2023) is a prime example.

original poetry
Collection unraveled in biggest art fraud in history

As with poetry art can illustrate the things in the head you’d like to get out, but can’t happen right at the moment. Morrisseau, Picasso of the North, lived at a time in Canada when the indigenous people were prevented from practicing their cultures. Although this is a 100 million collection, Morriseau’s main aim was to “heal you with color.”

Original Poetry Collection
Rainbow bird of happiness

Gods Light God (Light) wants our lives to reflect Him. Soul balance and Spiritual poise. Original Poetry Collection means Beauty is the essence of ‘poetic mindset’ as it is of nature. – Beauty is the smallest details of creation, in the breath of every living creature – is the key to the essential nature of existence. Photo of humming birds’ wings illuminated by the sun to create a prism effect is just one part of a thrilling collection called “Winged Prism.” Christian Spencer photographer celebrates birds in ‘Birds, Poetry in the Sky.’

The cycle is work to eat to exist Balance in work and life as is in art is key. Balance through wisdom not feelings.

Original Poetry Collection is about Poetry which lifts us to the heights of feeling while practicality lowers us to the reality of doing.


We wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.

They wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.

Everyone wishes you enough hellos

Get into the job training for an honorable life worthy of your self-respect!

Original Poetry Collection allows one to work at home. The link above is given to counter the program of those who run Washington DC today, the universities, and most of the national news media. The following words run true to an 1899 paen to imperialism from Kipling -“The White Man’s Burden” – ‘Take up the liberal burden/ Go teach the leftist creed/ Send out your pseudo scholars/ Our captive people need/ The care of justice warriors/ Who will plant the good woke seed.’ Today’s Left has become the thing it hates.

Karl Marx

A main place Karl Marx political thinking started was not Poetry in a Nutshell, but it was started at the Frankfurt School in Germany founded in 1923 at the Goethe University. Then the political thinking moved powerfully into the idealisitic European intellectual strata of writers and artists, subsequently spreading its toxic message into universities. The pure thought of Geothe (bc-before corruption) is encapsulated here in a call for action. “Seize this very minute what you can do or dream you can do, begin it. Only begin and then the mind grows heated. Boldness has genius, power, magic in it. Just begin and then the work will be completed.”

How the corruption began is a matter of history but Geothe himself suggests a reason: “The hardest thing to see is what is in front of your eyes.” Hippocritical disparities stretch to the Wizard of Oz at somewhere over the rainbow in Kansas farms along the Santa Fe Trail.

Common sense with Dr. Seuss

You can think up (Arribo), You can think down (Abajo)! Oh, the thinks you can think of — all around (Redonde). (ADIO)– Above, down, inside out — is the power of life.) There is great possibility in thinking without words and the marvelous plasticity of the brain. “Visual Thinking” advocated by Temple Grandin explains the marvelous plasticity of the brain. Further, Caroline Leaf leaves encouragement for future educators and parents who produced “smart” adults who do not have the skills to live independently.

Original Poetry Collection
Sam I AM
Original Poetry Collection
Try Dr. Seussing it!

Take an R and R

Helpful actions 1. Relax and refocus the mind in the silence and solitude of nature. RESTORATION.

This can be found outdoors in a place for the mind to work its magic. Say “Yes, Father I believe God, I believe you’re real. I see proof of it in creation.” This is the poetic mindset which produces plasticity of the brain.

Look to the Stars Looking to the stars at night also shows God’s glory on tour in the skies. Physicists, if honest, must admit this. Every inspired thought triggers an electro-chemical reaction in the body activating about 400 billion cells surging with electro-magnetic rays to result in emotions and understanding. Original Poetry Collection shows how the “poetic mindset” produces graphic mental images from words for meditation and healing. Using our Brains Elasticity of the brain occurs from “solar, electro-magnetic charges” of a sort from the light of truth. “Bible is a prism through which the light of truth shines. It is the inerrant word of God. The best way to see God and life clearly is to become acquainted with the full counsel of His written word, the lens of truth.” —Detective Sunshine, Art and Constitution cat.

Look to Nature

Original Poetry Collection

We are wired to trust the senses. We can learn about God from nature. This Original Poetry Collection shows elasticity of the brain with the ‘poetic mindset’. This further enhanced with music is here via technology. Godly poets speak to us through nature and its beauty. POETIC MINDSET With a metaphorical “poetic mindset” poets can easily share truth, thoughts which is light. With strong images -metaphors -another person doesn’t have to work hard to imagine. Metaphors are chief elements of poetry and the Bible. One metaphor is worth 1,000 pictures. God paints pictures in words -images – that help us recall his goodness without using words.

Helen Keller

Blind and deaf Helen Keller offers a strong example of inner visualization, the base for the ‘poetic mindset.’ Light is reflected as truth in the ‘poetic mindset.’ Keller stated: “No one is so blind as one who won’t see.” Create space for an internal vision. Don’t lose your dream. Mark Twain mused “It is hard to see things straight when your imagination is out of focus.”

Poetic Mindset

Helpful actions 2. Recalibrate/ REPAIR your system to receive more of God’s presence in your soul to shed light. Just as each element reacts to light source in a unique way so allow your brain cells to respond to every insight.

More Helpful Actions

When folks visualize poetic images in their ‘poetic mindset’ their brains are in default mode network (DMN) where the same part of the brain is engaged when people remember past events or envision the future. The hippocampus is in play. This part of the brain responsible for emotions, learning and memory is is known to atrophy with age. Stressing abounds as people age and progress toward “forgetfulness” diseases. – Meditators, like those practicing mindfulness to destress, boost their brains’ functioning connections and suffer less from detrimental damage due to shrinkage. Music may also encourage the formation and fortification of connections between nerve cells.

Promoting the Mindset

To promote the enjoyment of meditation, the brain forms a protein BDNR (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor) also known as the brain’s “growth hormone.” You can affect your given DNA with healthy life choices for brain health Go here to relax with music, sunshine and meditation. Meditation has been known to boost brains’ functioning connections and along with B Vitamins ashwaganda is known to protect from detrimental shrinkage. To be able to share this good news and opportunity Go here.

Helpful actions 3. RENEW the mind as in meditation for mindfulness using selected religious poetry to shed light. Just as each element reacts to light source in a unique way so allow your brain cells to respond to every word. Your life is like the morning fog — its here a little while and then its gone. James 4:14. Read the following selections aloud.

Poem: “The Fragile Frog”

Dawn breaks clear and breeze begins –
leans the many grasses –
rolling knolls, valleys green –
moving, it amasses –

moisture up from silent pond,
a vapor freely born –
confusing fogs of dampness, there’s –
another one to warn –

of world’s prideful ignorance,
of want and selfish greed.
Another one oblivious
to warnings he should heed.

Slow and patient hovering,
brings truth so plain to see –
but blindness seizes evil hearts
and there will never be –

changes to the inner soul
that lingers ever past.
Then fades away, the temperate fog –
as time has fleeted fast.

God creates, then man destroys
a life, so visible –
but Jesus comes to heal the sick,
the body, spiritual.

Jesus given for our souls,
our Father still awaits –
while life is like the fragile fog
which quickly dissipates.

‘Earth?’ or ‘all eternity?’
two choices we must weigh –
before the fog has lifted and
life vanishes away. By Louis Gander FOG Fully Rely On God

Flowery Poetry

Some deride “flowery poetry” in general. They fail to capture the essence of survival in our darkening days of no shared light. Picture a flower creeping up from the hard earth, the cement of life. Through brokenness, the flowers bloom and produce new petals. When we picture ourselves as a lotus flower slowly opening and looking to God, we get hope, truth and light. As He speaks through the whirlwind ….. “And after the fire came a gentle whisper” 1 Kings 19:12. Brokenness is God’s requirement for maximum usefulness. God alone knows the possibilities he has placed in each person.

Terms for that deep work of bringing RESTORATION, REPAIR, and RENEWAL, shalom, to the self and world –God’s work. (“The Gospel on the Ground” – Kristi McClelland)

Poem: “Broken Pieces

Poetry in a nutshell

Poem – “You’re Always There For Me”

“Come, little leaves, said the wind one day. Come with me and play.” The metaphorical invitation here gives the setting of fall. When the leaves are off the tree the wind whisks them. Which time is a metaphorical scenario of the end days. It is representative of the fig tree generation and when the trees are representative of people. The Promise

The promise is of the holy spirit to garnish their words with truth – the character of Christ – for becoming fruitful. That is a tree bearing good, delicious fruit is a metaphor God uses for “a good man having something good to say.” – Luke 26:43-44

Only in Neutral -N- can we still our minds to recharge with God. Therefore, Listen up! To receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit “Be still and know that I am God.” And with all your getting, get understanding. God the poet within us craves the holy hush, the ‘poetic mindset.’
Poetic Mindset
The instructional images known as the three “r’s” are basic for recovery from brokeness: to relax and refocus, recalibrate, and reprogram. Similarly, with the three skills basic to learning – reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic – we recognize all the “r’s” as critical for protecting our mental future and sharing the light (truth and content) of our ‘poetic mindsets’ for understanding.

“We’re on the cusp of a brain aging revolution that could transform your life with ‘Poetry in a Nutshell.’ Also a healing revolution is in site with the electrical transference to the brain and body. Such was skillfully done with the Rife Generator, an electro-magnetic machine. The Rife Generator is not in common use today in our country. Do a Google search and discover it on your own. Rife is Life.

Poem: “An Alzheimer’s Poem”

Poetry in a nutshell
Go From Alphabet to Anxiety to Alzheimers

Always remember for those who cannot.

Let us dare to test God’s resources…..Let us ask Him to kindle in us and keep aflame that passion for the impossible. That shall make us delight in Him. Spark up your winning spirit and ask the arm of Yeshua/Jesus to exercise authority over the powers of darkness. We should all admire poetry in a nutshell. “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” – Abraham Lincoln

We have a God who delights in impossibilities.  —  Andrew Murray

STOP. When nothing is sure everything is Possible. Remember. Go ON


There is an interconnectedness between scientific discoveries–and to have the whole picture one must connect the parts. -James Burke

So it is with spiritual life. “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude about it.” – Maya Angelou. For another take: success is not the enemy: https://craighill.org/dst-332/

Dwell in possibility — wonderful world of poetry.  – Emily Dickinson

Nothing is impossible. The word itself says “I’m Possible” – Start With Gratitude