Culture Clash in Appalachia

There is a “culture clash” in Appalachia. The folks who are there are locked into a ‘spiraling down system.’ Therefore, they see that there is no opportunity due to low education, few jobs, and low pay for them. Are you locked into such a downward spiral such as the Appalachia type “culture clash” which has developed from Covid?

This type of Appalachia “culture clash” forms a mind set similar to ACE “Adverse Childhood Experience.” This is like being locked into fight/flight mode with chemicals adrenaline and cortisol raving.

Today many of you coming out of Covid lockdown worldwide may experience similar Appalachia “culture clash” of emotions. If so, you may always be ready to fight or flee as those “hardwired” for conflict. To change your emotions you need to change your inner chemistry. We need to be one with harmony produced from our body’s serotonin. This is produced from our bodies where 95% exists in the gut. For phsyiological “spiral” go here:

Culture clash in Appalachia
Autumn Mountain Sunrise
Culture clash in Appalachia
Is this your town?

You can derive Biblical assurance like that given the sparrow from old hymn “Abide With Me” which still resonates: “When other helpers fail and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, O abide with me.” Whether you are broke, broken, or in the process of recovery, make these words your prayer today. “Grow along with me–the best is yet to be.” Robert Browning

Appalachia is a type

Above picture is a typical scene in Appalachia it shows the state of poverty in the region. These poor economic conditions are usually caused by lack of education, poor paying jobs, and lack of infrastructure. As you can see by the vista above this is genuinely beautiful country. If we want to share this beauty with others we need to take action to accomplish this. Time now to enact upon the words of J. F. Kennedy to “ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country.” Whether you’re broke, need healing, feel hopeless. We have the resources to share. You should think about joining with other people to form coalitions to cure the problem.

The “phix” is not in phonics but in “Phigital”–bringing the physical to digital to market

In a world where 9 to 5 has turned into 24/7 how do you keep from tipping over? For “how to make things flow” in a nutshell we can draw on visual principles. The world cries for Balance in a topsy turvy world and CRAPify explains how. For Balace we need to see ourselves acting like Aspen or Birch trees. We are “works in progress” and assume attitudes that must allow ourselves to be flexible like the trees — “which do not hang onto the wind, but bend with it.” That is for us to adjust and adapt without losing our principles.

The acronym from graphic arts “CRAPify” shows us how to have balance in rrr247. C- Contrast — Many and varied people from different professions and walks of life form rrr247– reaching people world wide, simulating the frontier spirit and hallmark of America itself. R – Repetition –We learn the elements in the rrr247 business model through the process of “See, Say, Feel, and Do” until the state of “autopilot” reigns as our unconscious. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.”

Graphic rescue

Update As of May 2023 While we are not in crisis mode any longer, we can’t let our guard down per WHO, (World Health Organization.) There have been over 1,124,000 deaths in US from confirmed cases. It was deemed the 4th leading cause of death by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. We still do not know China’s role due to lack of cooperation on the issue.

Action to take

A – Align – Is where we align with God’s heart and mind to show goodness and love to all. P- Proximity – We use technology to keep us connected and make life easier. Here is a circular path we are all on where we meet up and interact again. At rrr247 your word is everything. So join us here, honor your word, and we will all shine. Our tools are Ascension, Cross, and Content Marketing. This leads to the overcomthing of “little trust” of the public and counter this negative with more and more positives.

To help in this culture crisis in Appalachia, now extending to the world, and want to help end it — please go here: Join our network of connection, contribution, and collaboration at rrr247.

Culture Clash
RIF – Reading is Fundamental

Generosity begins at home

Ever since this Covid hit last year the world economy has been in a “spiral.” This spiral has affected not only the region of Appalachia, but the world as well. We all need to work together to help fix this problem. Go here: For better attitude adjustment see here.

The secret to ending poverty begins with education. Find FREE tips for helping yourself and mentoring others. Please read “Women of Ingetrity.” TEAM Together Everybody Accomplishes More. To see how Phigital works. It is the road to restoring your livliehood and the economy of America. Go Here:

God’s love is immense for you. If he loves the sparrow so much, so does he love you more as the Doctor Luke of Light shows us in 12:6-8. Enjoy that love and freedom from anxiety here:

God’s love gives us hope, like a golden cord from heaven.