Notable Writers and their Quotes

From Notable writers and their quotes we get “Citizenship is what makes a Republic…What keeps a Republic on it’s legs is Good Citizenship” – Mark Twain – “It is hard to think straight when your imagination is out of focus.” Helen Keller: “The only thing worse than being Blind is having Sight but no vision.” Though both Blind and Deaf she shows us how to simply keep your inner eye on God for wisdom and a new perspective: Right Thinking. One right thought is worth 100 hands. “Poetry searches for music amidst the tumult of the dictionary.” — Boris Pasternak.

“Helen Keller” by Langston Hughes

Helen Keller

In the dark,

found light.

Brighter than, many ever see,

Within herself,

Found lovliness,

Though all souls can master,

And now the world receives

From her dower

The message of her strength

of inner power.

More notable quotes From Notable writers and their quotes

“Great thoughts and a pure heart, that is what we should ask from God.” — J. Goethe

Mark Twain reminds us to “Get the story in place, then find rhyme in your reason.” Two important days in your life: When you were born and why you were born. About the time Twain visited Israel Abraham Lincoln cautioned America. With reference to the Constitution he said: “We have been recipients of choicest bounties of heaven…we have become too proud to pray to the God that made us.”

The Constitution led America to define themselves by their shared values not by their inconsequential appearances. The melting pot ethos of e pluribus unum blending diverse people into one through assimilation, integration and intermarriage. The US has the foundation of the oldest Constitutional Republic still in existence today. It was primarily designed to protect personal freedom, property, and individual liberty from both oppressive government elites and periodic mob frenzies.

To help keep your head on straight and your inner vision intact go here.