Go From Fog to Flow

Go from fog to flow. Find yourself running around in circles? (“When in trouble fear and doubt — Run in circles scream and shout”) — Robert Heinlein). QP (Quantum Physics) author/compiler, Gary Zukav, said in essence “That sooner or later when we talk, we go around in circles.”

This is one kind of dead end. The philosophy of Quanta may provide the foundation for a coherent and workable vision of man’s relation to the universe in a form that is not only palatable, but complete. Consider intuitive, imaginative input resulting from poem by William Blake: “To see a World in a Grain of Sand. And a heaven in a wildflower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.” For everyday savings with things you use Go here:

Fog to Flow

Fog (dew) in the atmosphere “comes in as little cat feet” – Carl Sandburg – and protects us and calls us into the presence of God. When we become stronger we can then focus in the “Now” and move forward by hearing from the Holy Spirit.

Instead of circling you can chill out and “flow” by proper exercise of your Head, Heart, Hands, and Health (4H Clubs of America). To bind the fog, get fuel for the mind — Head (brain). For Health fuel the body, as putting gas into your tank, feed it with good nutrients– (Brān) Hands must be creative for clearing the cloud around you, brain fog.

To heal the Heart, let the energy from the Holy Spirit reprogram and recalibrate it for renewal (rrr). Let the “dew” the sap from God’s Holy Spirit into your soul and go from fog to flow and into “go”– try poetry. Truth flows as dew into us (Is 26:19) as we meditate on Godly promises and pictures. Flowers are God’s poetry. Become a new creation (flower with new petals daily) when you recharge, recalibrate, and renew your heart and soul.


   Through all the fogs, through

All earth’s wintry skies

   I scent the spring, I feel

the eternal air.  

   Warm soft and dewy, filled with

flowery eyes

   And gentle murmuring motions


   Of life in bird and tree and brook

& moss—

 Thy breath wakes beauty, faith &

bliss and prayer

   And strength to hang with nails

upon Thy Cross. (Lilias Trotter) From Fog to FROG Fully Rely on God

For uplifting and positive thought recall ‘Dark behind it rose the forest, Rose the black and gloomy pine trees….’ “Hiawatha” (Nathanial Hawthorne) Indians gave us love of nature and trees drawing their strength from streams of water. A metaphor for the Holy Spirit, Dew. They also gave us wonderful hand-crafting skills as shown below.

For more Indian poetry about the Black Hills of South Dakota see here:

Indian lore and battles of poet-teacher Adam Ochsner, unlike cowboy verse of Badger Clark’s laments.

Ochsner throws light on the Sand Creek Massacre here.

Go from fog to flow
Positive blog talk radio

To get flow as you keep your hands busy. For hands examples are weaving, looming, knitting, crocheting and beading.  The combo of eye, hand, brain coordination helps us to slow down: reset, refocus and reconnect (rrr). Bind the fog and recharge, recalibrate and renew your brain. (rrr)

Go from fog to flow
Go from Fog to Flow
Go from fog to flow
Go from fog to flow
Scrumptious Dessert

Vibrate your brain with speaking aloud (Dr. Benjamin Rush, MD) A. T. Still, MD, DO: “Body is able to flow with health by your choosing life.” God spoke the light, stars and world into being and parted the Red Sea. “Speak the Spirit’s thoughts of calm and assurance.” Charles Capps. ( For a relaxing and renewing evening, go here

The gas in the car is as good immune helps for your Immune System. This is the “master switch” of the body for energy and vitality. So put some pep in your step

Dwell in possibility — wonderful world of poetry.  – Emily Dickinson

Let us dare to test God’s resources…..Let us ask Him to kindle in us and keep aflame that passion for the impossible that shall make us delight in it with Him, till the day when we shall see it transformed into a fact.

We have a God who delights in impossibilities.  —  Andrew Murray

Go from zombie to zoomer. “Habits like spaceships–an effort to launch but once in orbit its momentum is powerful.”

rrr247 – reset – refocus – reconnect

fog to flow
God’s word changes you
fog to flow
Let your light shine