Nourish Yourself From Within

Nourish yourself from within. Enjoy memories sustained by music. “Music assists the process via a cosmic consciousness” says American Indian Joy Harjo, Poet Laureate of the United States. She describes it when she speaks of memories sustained by music as via a “hearteousness” of higher mind where nothing can be forgotten.  Ask the Good Lord  How do I say this so I don’t forget???  Ask God for the Holy Spirit, which is given when you accept Christ as Lord and Savior. Poems turn things into words (left temporal lobe) Poetry brings words to thought in the frontal cortex. Music helps retain that lobe from shrinking.

Nourish yourself from within. Ask the poets.  Each word is a box that can be opened or closed.  Then add a train of words or phrases.  Just as seals while “bottling” under water can both sense danger and relax as appropriate with their two brains, we can use both sides (hemispheres) to do so. Harjo goes on “All are melded by music and the need for rhythm to organize chaos, for out of it we will be compelled to remember to bless this land…We the natives (Indians) had something to do with the origins of blues and jazz.”

Love of Nature and Beauty

 Indians’ have love of nature and beauty. These also can also convince us of God’s presence. Nourish yourself from within. Hold on to your youth and experience good things by doing as trees who thrive by putting roots down into nearby streams of water. You can do this by nurturing your brains and by getting into God’s truth the eternal life down deep in us and guiding your brain.

​Joy Harjo:  “The ancient road the soul knows — the road–may be through a family of trees.” Nurture ourselves from within as a gardner does a tree when its roots go down into deep waters. We can nurture our brains.

      Childrens’ imaginations know no bounds:

​Brain waves are produced during the communication between neurons.  They are changed according to what we are feeling and doing.  We can control them and get relaxation by applying some meditation techniques.  (Psalms 55:22) From the tiniest beings to the largest living things have commonalities: a math ratio derived from a spiral and a recovery system (serotonin) from stressful fight/flight response much like the Gecko picture below. This is shown by his curled-up tail.

The Math of Living Things

Sidney Perkowitz

It’s hard to argue with the famously authoritative Oxford English Dictionary, but its definition of physics as the “branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of non-living matter and energy” is incomplete because physics studies living things as well. This proves the thesis Einstein promoted earlier about math relating to living things.


Nourish yourself from within. Our brains work best when our Memory works. To learn how to nourish from within and “go from fog to flow” just put a bit of pep in your step with a quick snap and then – Think Big.

There is no need to be downcast when you can uplift your mood here: For further nourishment go here: to join our club.

Your brain thrives on physical activity. Treat yourself to a top quality demo. Watch cats stretch and tense their muscles at the same time. Upon rising from a nap, cats’ actions are those you can practice aiding your own range of motion and health. They inspire us to gain control of ours. A cat even when motionless seems to flow like a graceful vase. Aerobic exercise is one of the best ways to increase BDNE.
Memories Sustained
Nourish yourself from within. Enjoy memories sustained by music.
For ALL YOUR “MEMORIES” check out here: Relaxation with Music and Poetry

Let us dare to test God’s resources…..Let us ask Him to rekindle in us and keep aflame that passion for the impossible that shall make us delight in it with Him, till the day when we shall see it transformed into a fact.

We have a God who delights in impossibilities.  —  Andrew Murray

Dwell in possibility — wonderful world of poetry.  – Emily Dickinson