Positive Outcomes From Covid

The positive outcomes from Covid are the shutdowns. Our cities seem to be like the one here of Jerusalem on the Sabbath. Shutdowns can be where people stay at home with family and friends to spend time in quiet fellowship. Food was enjoyed with much sharing and fellowship. Rushing around no more to get here and there in a rat race.

Reading is Fundamental

Positive outcomes
Postivie Outcomes
Keep your eye on the ball

The positive outcomes from Covid are we have time to wind down and pick up a good book. Mental skills can improve. In quiet meditation a reader can compose his thoughts and retreat from the incessant bombardment of the media’s agenda. It is a time to form bonds as parents and friends help to enable the skill of learning through letters. Movement is essential to learning and brain usage. This is illustrated through the digital language l’s and O’s. This is the basic alphabet for letters. Shapes of the bat and ball in baseball.

People helping people

When we gathered together during this lockdown we had a chance to help each other. This can be with mundane tasks such as yardwork, painting, card games, tutoring or a myriad of other things. These activities should keep everyone mutually engaged so no one gets bored. Where people gather together we now have the ability to teach and learn. Do not squander that time together!

Wimpy kid supports poetry if it is about his favorite sport, baseball. Stick man and Poki can learn to Play Ball too!

Ancestor to star cat of the OK Reading Book, Detective Sunshine, has some news to relieve you about your DNA. Though, this is just one way we can change our environment and life experiences. This may come out like the cats did from leopard to panther.

Art and Constitution Cat

You too can make a change

Just as the leopard couldn’t change his spots, we see otherwise in the panther. The leopard’s spots allow him to camouflage himself in the jungle. The panther also uses camouflage, but his is the shadows in the jungle. If you want to escape a habit that is killing you, look to God. He can do the impossible.