Conversations on Food, Farming and Education

‎Conversations on Food, Farming and Education stem from the arid croplands in Western Kansas. They revolve around the Supply Chain Interruption due to the Covid-19 Virus and it’s trickle-down effects. This has caused supply chain interruptions in ALL things to non delivery of goods. Also causing labor supply shortage due to higher wages offered to farm workers. This has caused local fast food chains to offer a starting wage of $15 an hour just to flip hamburgers. And, why wouldn’t the disadvantaged farm worker who toils in the hot sun everyday doing manual labor not do that instead?

We have caused our own Dilemma

If we don’t have workers to plant the farmer’s fields and tend the crops we do not grow any food to nourish our bodies. When we have Conversations about Food, Farming and education, we create another dilemma over water for crops. This also has to do with water that cities use as drinking water. Between lack of workers and supply shortages causing arguments over water rights, where do we get our food growing?

Conversations on Food, Farming and Education Help or Hindrance?

Where New Technology has entered the picture, We have to have many Conversations on Food, Farming and Education. Thus, we has proven to save our precious water by allowing us to know how much we use and how much escapes. So, technology has somehow replaced God in the natural process and we are now facing drought. So, education of worker’s children and dysfunctional schools of today have been set back a minimum of two years due to lack of supplies, technology and COVID Mismanagement.

Reading Buddy Dogs

The idea is to connect Future Farmers with this knowledge of the 1776 curriculum and lesson plans. These plans include lesson plans for American History, Civics and Government. See here. For Easy reading tips, we look for The Reading Express with ok reading and the Constitution Cat and the Reading Buddy Dog. Link to integrity for today’s Children.

Culture clash is Real!! SEE HERE:

This is a repeat performance from our recent history!!

Be like Smokey-Pray for us all!!