Visualization for Pain Relief

Pain Relief
Rx for healing from pain

Visualization for pain relief is an old tried and true method. The poet, Walt Whitman, may not have been the first to try this method but he certainly won’t be the last. Whitman read to the troops when he wasn’t attending to their needs as a nurse in the US Civil War. He used this method, visualization, so that the injured could conjure up images in their minds. This would alleviate pain by “going somewhere else.” Reset your thinking into rejoicing in Ephesians 1 (Bible) by working of the Holy Spirit. C.S. Lewis quote – “The fact that our heart yearns for something Earth can’t supply is proof that Heaven must be our home.” Lewis further states to “Aim at heaven first and get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and get O.” The ultimate poetry useful for transforming the brain is in the Bible. This is where the flow of God’s words are committed to us in specific sound patterns to transform our thinking.

Mind over matter

When you’re in pain visualization works on the theory that your brain actually can control your pain. Visualization for pain relief works on the theory that if you’re not thinking about your pain but focusing on something pleasant your pain will lessen. It is based on the knowledge that the brain region that regulates pain also processes mental imagery.

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One person who can see (visualize) can teach 1,000 to think. The thought moves the body. Where the attention goes, the energy flow Dr. Emmett Miller is widely acclaimed for his role in creating the field of Mind-Body Medicine. We can apply his innovative thinking and techniques of Integrative Medicine for optimum health and performance. Visualization can actually help heal the body and the mind. If your mind is thinking about pleasant things while visualizing pleasant sites, then your body can’t be hurting.

The next step is to speak the healing words. A good start is religious poetry. Find it here: This will also tend to “vibrate the brain.” This, in turn, excites the nerves into producing endorphins and serotonin for a healing mode. Another Civil War vet, Mark Twain, says “history may not repeat itself, but it rhymes.” A stitch (rhyme) in time saves nine! Make your body’s own “rife generator” by going here: A modern “example prime of spoken rhyme” is rap. One master performer is Snoop Dogg. He embraced the gospel and reggae and became a multi-talented entertainment juggernaut. He shares his advice on growing older.: “You got to treat yourself like fine wine. They say fine wine, it gets better over time.” You can begin by “celebrating yourself” with fine wine delivered to your door in an unmatched fellowship for sharing:

Three new smart phone Apps for Pain Control:

Joint Academy: (Connects people with physical therapists for daily exercise)

Manage my pain: (Helps users track pain and what treatments help the most.)

Patient Controller: (Allows user to adjust implanted neurostimulation devices easily)

Pain relief
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Sophia, world’s admired and advanced “human” robot can work like a tiger. But, she can’t think her way out of a paper sack! No abstract thought for healing can come from her as there is no “elasticity of the brain” which can come from poetry.