Things you didn’t know about QP

Things you didn’t know about QP (quantum physics). Don’t run! Don’t hide! This is NOT a high school class that you need to be afraid of! Quantum Physics as we know it today is in our everyday lives. Whether you like it or not you use QP everyday whether you realize it or not. Xi has declared a “people’s spy war on America” which is the Communist Party’s way of justifying an attack on America. Their tool, Tik Tok has glorified drug use, pushed critical race theory, and amplified Russian disinformation about the war in the Ukrain. They have powerful algorhithms which can turn the minds of the youth against their country.

Schroedinger’s cat –

Schroedinger was looking for a way to convey what he saw as the central flaw in it as a way of describing reality. This became the scenario with a cat in a locked steel chamber, wherein the cat’s life or death depended on the state of a radioactive atom, whether it had decayed and emitted radiation or not. Schrödinger did not wish to promote the idea of dead-and-live cats as a serious possibility; on the contrary since Schrödinger’s time, various interpretations of the mathematics of quantum mechanics have been advanced by physicists.

Some of which regard the “alive and dead” cat superposition as quite real, others do not. Intended as a a touchstone for modern interpretations of quantum mechanics and can be used to illustrate and compare their strengths and weaknesses., he intended the example to illustrate the absurdity of the existing view of quantum mechanics. Robert Heinlein takes up the challenge in his Comedy of Manners where Pixel the cat at one point goes through a wall because he didn’t know it was impossible. He appears with the central character whenever and wherever in the novel ” The Cat Who Walks Through Walls.”

Shroedinger’s Cat Experiment

Things you didn't know about QP
China’s Spy Machine

Quantum physics/things you didn’t know about QP is what we use in everyday life. It is more commonly known as quantum mechanics. It is a body of work that seems to explain the universe on a tiny scale. The laws of physics that work for us humans just don’t apply when things are extremely tiny. There are only possibilities or probabilities, no impossibilities. We have a God who delights in impossibilities.  —  Andrew Murray

Art: to learn it and remember it

You can learn and remember 8 times faster if you draw it. Arts influence on humanity is renown. Great works of art transmit heritage, disseminate knowledge and wisdom, and fortify character. They hold exalted positions in the great civilizations of the West and the East. The long lasting influence of orthodox art can exert on society is available and documented in books and media alike. Upright art conforms to natural law, imitates divine wisdom, and brings with it special energy and effects. It benefits people by feeding both the senses and the soul. The greatest artists work not only on the physical, technical level, but also more importantly on the spiritual level, in their communion with the theme of the work.

Art and its influence

Such artists sometimes express a sense of experiencing a higher force beyond this physical world. The ideas that formed the Constitution itself came from great classical poets. Poetry is a recommended source for returning the educational system about face to one of being thoughtful and moral. Understanding the great power of poetry and art can help us better understand its importance and why the evil elements want to undermine and sabotage it.

Of sabotage, C.S. Lewis writes: “Enemy occupied territory–that is what the world is. Christianity is the story of how the rightful King has landed, you might say landed in disguise, and is calling all of us to take part in a great campaign of sabotage.”

A statement from a famed landscape painter. “Reflected light is never as strong as its source light.” “Reflected light belongs to the shadow and as such it must support, not compete with the lighted areas of your painting.” Novice painters tend to exaggerate reflected light. He teaches his art students that “anything that has direct light falling on it in a scene becomes a source of light itself.” Applications of this are in Einstein’s Quantum Light Theory. Einstein further said: “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”

Who We Are

Enlightenment today is to find God and no longer separate spirit and matter. We learn from QP that matter is simply fields of force made dense by the spirit of energy. Having become one with the universe, not separate or different from it. We are in it, all of us, and swimming in an energy that is God. To be enlightened is to see behind the shapes and icons that intend to personalize God to the God that is too personal, too encompassing to be any one shape or form or name. Heaven is here (Eph 1) so place your union with Life that gives Life.

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Author of Quantum Computing: An Applied Approach, which is now a course textbook in many universities. CEO of
, which focuses on #AI.

Chinese influence today

Whether you like it or not, the Chinese have influenced our outlooks and our very existence. Just look around you and see what ISN’T made over seas. One walk through Walmart should be enough to convince you of this. In the world of Quantum Physics this may seem like just small particles. But, in the grand scheme of things it might as well be the universe. The next time you need milk and eggs, on your travels through the aisles try to prove this theory wrong. What is quantum physics? Put simply, it’s the physics that explains how everything works: the best description we have of the nature of the particles that make up matter and the forces with which they interact. Quantum physics underlies how atoms work, and so why chemistry and biology work as they do.

Influence in Art

Albert Einstein: “Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.” Everything is vibration, frequency, energy. See how this works.

Things you didn't know about QP
A foolish enemy of authority is the worst enemy of truth – A. Einstein
 Things you didnt know about QP
Contentious with covid

Importance of QP

America is under attack. The Left’s plan to destroy democracy and install a socialist regime is now well documented and very obvious to all who have eyes to see. Main Street has gone woke and the current conflict of visions will result in a country not only divided by race and inequality but by media bias presented on social media. The ultimate result will be a Hobbsean nightmare — a prestate status of war of all against all. Hobbes: “Life is nasty, brutish, and short.” One positive remedy for all having easy access to encouragement through friends is here.

Liars’ (Pinocchio) Effect

The Pinocchio spirit dominates the world today. If so, why should we forget everything we know about the 19th Century puppet in exchange for it being a rallying cry? Because a new translation reveals it was a cry for universal education and Italian nationhood. These are pressing needs for changes in our own culture today. Written by the pen name Carlo Collodi “The Story of a Puppet” written in 1881 was meant to undermine the traditional idea of a fairy tale—and also send a political message. It has been adapted to film 18 times.

The original story was not primarily about lying of which was only a part of his general misbehavior. The puppet makes a lot of poor choices one of which leads to poor woodcarver Geppetto’s arrest. When Italy first univied only 25 percent of Italians could read and write. By 1880, free compulsory schooling had raised the literacy rate to nearly 40 percent. This is almost comparable to study done with a dog in the classroom where reading at grade level rose to 52% in US study conducted by a nurse.


Inside the secret government meeting on COVID-19 Natural Immunity four high ranking US health officials met with Immunologists to discuss public health messaging on vaccines in relation to natural immunity. No participants represented experts who hold that individuals with natural immunity generally don’t need any doses at all. “It was a really impactful decision that they made in private with a very small number of people involved. And they reached the wrong decision.” – Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Stanford University professor. A great visual metaphor of COVID-19 is to see the body as a military base and the soldiers are the Immune system which attacks the virus to repel it. If cytokines (the base) attacks the soldiers it is a storm. The soldiers go berserk and in turn attack the base. Then Anti-imflammatory drugs are needed before the entire military base is in flames. See “Visual Thinking” by Temple Grandin.

Covid update

As of May 2023 While we are not in crisis mode any longer, we can’t let our guard down per WHO, (World Health Organization.) There have been over 1,124,000 deaths in US from confirmed cases. It was deemed the 4th leading cause of death by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. We still do not know China’s role due to lack of cooperation on the issue.

References for everyday QP

Books for understanding Quantum Physics: “Parallel Universes” by Fred Alan Wolf and “The Drawing Wu Li Master — An overview of New Physics.” For more on healing from QP see “The Healing Code” by Alexander Lloyd and Ben Johnson – No 1 Best Seller on Amazon.