From Alphabet to Anxiety to Alzheimer’s

Alphabet to anxiety
Referencing I to O’s

When we go from Alphabet to Anxiety to Alzheimer’s – I to O -we go “from pieces into peace.” We can work binary. We can reverberate with the poetic song of Bob Dylan: “Hey Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me In the jingle jangle morning I’ll come followin’ you. And take me disappearing through the smoke rings of my mind. Down the foggy ruins of time. Far past the frozen leaves. The haunted, frightened trees Out to the windy seas. Far from the twisted reach Of crazy sorrow. Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free Silhouetted by the sea. Circled by the circus sands. With all memory and fate Driven deep beneath the waves. Let me forget about today.” Esquire: “The dead leave clues, and life is a puzzle of trying to read and understand these mysterious hints before the game is over.” — Samantha Hunt. Since art is the highest expression of man’s soul, See Dylan’s art.

Bob Dylan Paintings

In the words of Bob Dylan, ” Anxiety occurring with today’s mishaps can be relieved through poetry. “Anxiety is difficult to manage, but is fundamental to every treatment, much like the meditation and memorization of the Scripture. When the Word Of God is coursing through or minds, it keeps our thoughts filtered, clean and clear. An example is when poet Czeslaw Milosz confronted California wildfires and placed them beside the earlier WW  II Destruction of Warsaw:

Choking on Air……

“We are choking on the air, which is filled with particles of everything that has burned so far. As we inhale not only the blazing houses and stores and garages but also what’s in them, all this is toxic, when airborne — asbestos in roofs and siding, car batteries, cadmium in tv sets and mercury from old thermometers, detergents and cleaners, the contents of medicine cabinets, nail polish remover, paint thinner, light bulbs and electronics — all go up in the smoke plumes and fumes.  We inhale the dead, too, every breath we draw.”   Czeslaw Milosz, self exiled Polish poet, didn’t simply write about the vanished buildings and people.  He inhaled the dead and exhaled poetry. To inhale healthy air and escape Alzheimer’s see here:

Alphabet to Anxiety
Alphabet to anxiety
Reading Buddy Dog

When we go from Alphabet to Anxiety to Alzheimer’s we can look at the need for a holy spirit filled direction. This amounts to using algorhythmic symbols l and O to learn the letters of the alphabet. These letters help to send and receive information on our computers, as well as via our electrons which connect with the chemicals and organs in our brain/body system. A good beginning reading book for this is “The Reading Xpress With OK Reading.”

Sugar and Mental Health

A new study in Science Advances looked at data that shows patients with mental disorders consume around two times as much sugar as peers without mental health issues and excessive sugar intake contributes to the development of psychiatric disorders in susceptible folks. The researchers then constructed a lab study that shows excess sugar intake around puberty may be especially risky — making it even more likely for teens to developmental health problems. Avoiding sweeteners. A conclusion is to get your sweets from whole fruits and enjoy 1 ounce of 80% dark chocolate a day. Avoid processed foods. If you use honey and molasses the better. Stevia the best sugar replacement. Go for a Mediterranean Diet — or plant based diet a fresh, whole-food diet. If these suggestions are not enough for optimum clarity of thought see here:

How the gut creates and cures disease–a medical frontier. It is key — how large intestine turns nutrients into metabolites that influence both our physical and mental health. Serotonin being the “feel good” neurotransmitter for depression, anxiety, ADHD, autism, bi-polar, sleep disorders, and Schizophrenia. Among other things the metabolites influence immune maturation, “immune homeostasis,” host energy metabolism -training the immune system to fight cancer.

Alphabet to anxiety
Smokey the cat

We all need to be like Smokey and PRAY DAILY! Pray Effectively — Keep Seeking, Knocking, Keep Asking Questions to find your path and identity. For more Healthy Living advice and Healing, GO HERE: Motto of Christ: “For God, to God, and Through God are all things.” You can bring quality into your life and enhance your health by the way you think and act — align your thinking and will with God’s.