Down The Rabbit Hole…

Let us explore our world today as we go Down The Rabbit Hole on Many topics. These include: Pandemics, Wars and Rumors of Wars, Inflation. Loss of Jobs, People working from home, Lack of Childhood Education, Corrupt Governments and the List goes on. Eight centuries before the birth of Christ, Greek Poet Homer wrote about distractions (sirens) in his famed “Odyssey.” Today we are bombarded with the information overload which leaves us with little to no meaning. We can heed the warning from this classic to overcome our “Pea Brain Over-load Blues.” Emile Coue, French Psychologist gave us this mantra: “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.” The mind is a powerful tool.

Huddling Like Frightened Sheep

We start out with a quote by C S Lewis in 1948 : Quote by C.S. Lewis:  “The first action for us to take is to pull ourselves together. If we are to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, then let that bomb, when it drops, find us all doing sensible as well as human things. These include praying, working, teaching, reading, listening to music, bathing our children, playing tennis, chatting with our friends over a pint and a game of darts. Not huddled together like frightened sheep and thinking about bombs.” This is known as Mass Formation Psychosis. Thus it was created by Dr. Fauci and his kind.

Down the rabbit Hole

Huddling Like Sheep produces Imaginary Friends

In the Movie Harvey, Jimmy Stewart quotes “- Elwood P. Dowd: I plan to leave, you want me to stay. Oh, an element of conflict in any discussion is a very good thing. This means everybody is handling things and no one is left out. I like that.” Much like our conflict of today happening in the Ukraine.

Statistics Don’t Lie…

While we worry about Going Down The Rabbit hole with the happenings of today, we must also consider our own mental state. This, can be either real or imaginary. With things like Pandemics, Wars and Rumors of Wars ( Real or Atomic in nature) we struggle to define what is real and necessary. As an example, The United States, has seen a Dramatic INCREASE in Mental Health problems from A-Z. This has taken us to an ALL TIME HIGH MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS! Check out the Substances Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration at for information and help. The rewards of recovery are enormous — and you may thrive.

The Pandemic’s Psychological Toll on our Children

First, there is Covid-19 and and its’ variants, Our school Age Children have fallen behind in grade levels by 1-2 years. However, our Second and Third graders, who, just learning to read, have been impacted the most. This is because they are NOT being exposed to a Regular Learning schedule. As a result, we have seen Teen Suicide rates in Young Girls raise by fifty percent. This has happened over just the last two years. It is Estimated that 175,000 children have lost a Parent or Caregiver over this time. There has been unrelenting Fear for themselves and their families. This has resulted in a higher risk in the fight-or-flight mechanism in the children’s Brain. Lastly, this leaves our bodies being broken down due to constant fear and having NO relaxation. Thus, we have moved to Social Media and shaming one another online, adding additional stress. This has caused much rebellion in Today’s Classrooms among both Teachers and Students because of Lack of Respect and Attention.


As of May 2023 While we are not in crisis mode any longer, we can’t let our guard down per WHO, (World Health Organization.) There have been over 1,124,000 deaths in US from confirmed cases. It was deemed the 4th leading cause of death by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. We still do not know China’s role due to lack of cooperation on the issue.

C. S. Lewis “Enemy occupied territory–that is what the world is. Christianity is the story of how the rightful King has landed, you might say landed in disguise, and is calling all of us to take part in a good campaign of sabotage.”

Whether or not our children are aware of Christ and his teachings, their thinking and thoughts have to be restored and trained. Some tools for this to take place can be found here. If too little serotonin is found in our brains, it may lead to many different physical and mental problems. Examples are depression and anxiety. Too much Brain serotonin can trigger excessive nerve cell activity. Thus, when we Exercise Daily and add a Good, Healthy Diet, we support the production of Serotonin which also promotes Mental Health and wellness. To improve our Mental Health and Cognition, See here:

Harking Back to The Gilded Age

Down the Rabbit Hole

This all started from the Covid-19 Bureaucrat named Fauci. This then lead to all the rest of our misinformed Government Agencies, leading us to be “Taken down The Rabbit Hole.” Many of the important topics have thus gotten Lost due to this bureaucracy. As Mark Twain would say “The difference between the Right Word and the Almost Right Word is the difference between Lightning and the Lightning Bug.” This is geometry from the smallest snail to the cosmos (Psi). Ratio for Serotonin: here.

Tartuffe and the Misanthrope….

Our sham government covers up its own indifference of our health and welfare with costly programs. Thus, they “appear” to make us well and safe, but, in reality. they pad their own pockets.  In 1666, Moliere wrote about a puffed up official in the play “Tartuffe.” And, a bombastic doctor in “The Physician In Spite of Himself.” Characters who play themselves out today. And, because this “Misanthrope” denotes a hater of human-kind as well as the society it has produced.  When Alceste, our hero, concludes that what we call civilization are nothing but hypocrisy. He becomes misanthropic, gloomy and disillusioned.  “Times Rhyme” observed Mark Twain.

Different Meanings and Conception

 Mark Twain advice:  “Always do what is right.  This will gratify some people and astonish others.”    The explanation of right is the Bible.  To learn — disci — takes discipline.  Instruct, train educate and prepare/check, curb regulate, manage, train, control.  Deception was shown by the painter John Ruskin in “Modern Painters.” “The essence of lying is in the deception, not in the words.”  It is not the WHAT one says so much as it is the WHY and HOW of it.  Deceptions come in two different wrappings.  If done to swindle, cheat or deceive people it is fraudulence, duplicity or deceit.  If it is to entertain, it is artifice, illusion, presitidigitation, or sleight-of-hand.  How does faux Fauci line up as “Tartuffe” or “Misanthrope”?  When we ponder on our ambiguities, we ask ourselves what our intent is.  “We are all guinea pigs in the laboratory of God.”  – Tennessee Williams. Our Health Care today looks much like Moliere’s Comedy: “The Physician in Spite of Himself” Because the mock doctor in this play is always puffed up and abusive. Fauci seems to have many of these characteristics in all of Moliere’s characters.

Supply Chain Problems

Container ships waiting

There is currently a Backlog of Container Ships bobbing up and down in the Ocean off the California Coast. This does not bode well for those of us that are waiting for merchandise containing precious computer chips or fresh Produce. This has lead to a short supply of Dock Workers to help unload this precious cargo. Down The Rabbit Hole……

To keep YOU out of That Rabbit Hole>>>

Smokey Cat praying

The writer C. S. Lewis stated “Aim to Heaven and Get the Earth thrown in”. AND, if you Aim at Earth you get ZERO.” For a good explanation of this, Go Here:

Mother Theresa’s Prayer: I am God’s Ball: Sometimes He throws Me. Oftentimes He rolls Me. Sometimes He catches Me. Sometimes He opens me up and looks inside Me.”

Methods for Study
Have you ever tried to study an immensely difficult subject like abstract algebra or quantitative methods in economics? A simple explanation of these subjects can often boggle your mind. A good way to deal with these subjects is to “go to the stars through difficulty” the Kansas State Motto. The math enables such study as explained in the video below. It gives certainty to Biblical concepts for which we can begin to comprehend; a solid foundation on which to stand.

A good Example to Follow

A good example to follow as far as current Education Trends is The Lewis-Palmer School District in Colorado. See here: The very best way to deal with NOT going down The Rabbit Hole is to focus on Yourself and your own Wellbeing. It is a good time to turn off your electronics and foster your own well-being. Go out and put your feet in the grass! FOR THE BEST RECAP OF TODAY’S SITUATION, GO HERE: