Instructions for dealing with today’s world

Instructions for dealing with today’s world are useful when we face new virii and whatnot. We need direction to figure out where we need to go. Finding a bargain is always a good place to start. What good thing could come out of Appalachia? (Ans: Dollar General which started in Scottsdale, KY in 1955) The stores dot the countryside. They offer low-priced trinkets and canned goods to cash-stripped communities that appreciate and need their bargains. However, survival from toxins, traumas, and negative thoughts are not found at Dollar General. We need to wake up to the “how” to survive in a topsy turvy world dominated by false information. Using what stares us in the face, computer/phones, is a good start. Global marketing of bodegas (wine shops) to understand health both physical and spiritual is one step in the right direction. For more on this go here:

Instructions for dealing with Today's world
Together we accomplish more

Cultural radar

Survival today relies on cultural radar. Instructions for dealing with today’s world include our need for radar. This means to be self aware and keep ourselves safe from the many things that afflict us. Bats have a great system of communication through radar. Radar was an early form of flight plans that bats developed to keep them from running into things. The same can be said about early radar that was used to detect airplanes in the world wars. We need social radar to be aware of our surroundings today so that we don’t get sick. As such we need to be cognizant of where we are and what’s happening around us. To be ever aware of your social radar go here: Additionally, our bat-like “radar” – electro-magnetic systems – can profit from the Rife Generator.

Free or Almost FREE Things

While we are reading direction’s for today’s world, we also are looking to health and survival. You can find some Free things or bargains at your fingertips with a click. Go here Here you will find the ability to download a program that will give you free bitcoin. Also here is included a free survival give-away for those who are so interested.