Sand Creek Massacre – New Evidence

Sand Creek Massacre – New Evidence. New evidence has emerged as far as the Sand Creek Massacre of 1864. This massacre was perpetrated on the American Indians by the US Calvary. The calvary mistakenly mowed down innocent men, women and children during this battle. The troops laid down heavy fire on an Indian village near Sand Creek Colorado. This so-called battle was actually a misinterpretation of orders.

Old men, women and children

The old men left to protect the camp as well as the women and children were subject to heavy rifle fire as well as cannon fire. This early morning attack was unprovoked and unnecessary. New evidence found on a private ranch has clearly shown this was a massacre. For more evidence about this ranch see book We Found The Lost Sand Creek Site.” – Chuck and Mike Bowen. It was lost by an historian’s map but found by a soldier’s clue. So it is much like today we have lost guidance. So, we should ultimately seek true guidance before we act.

Our heavenly Father will never leave His children on their own (Deut 31:6.–He is with each believer right now. Know that the Holy Spirit is present, enabling you to hear, an His voice will remain clear, no matter what questions you may have. There is no rush; when the Lord speaks, take your time listening to be certain you’re hearing from Him. (Information on the Holy Spirit here). Just as our life in Christ is most rewarding when the body of Christ listens to Him and cooperates with one another, so it is in Ps 133.


Though much about the eastern plains of Colorao is largely forgotten and overlooked as an expanse of endless prairie, Silas became a sniffing archeologist. Besides barking at cows you can read the book to find how he helped make the discoveries we have today. “Truth is generally the best vindication against slander.” – Abraham Lincoln.

New relics found

New relics that have been found have put this massacre site at a different location than what was indicated. Although George Bent’s plan saved many lives, his map was incorrect. Historical mapping and aerial pictures reveal new site and new insights. Hopefully the famed E. Curtiss displays in Denver Public Library will get the latest artifacts for display.

New Bent’s Fort in 1853

This fort was built close to Cheyenne and Arapahoe favorite campground, Big Timber, near the Arkansas River. Over 15,000 casualties of 106,000 soldiers engaged in four battles pertaining to this massacre and its relics. The fort today is a site for tourists to enjoy the history of trade on the plains in multi languages. The buffalo hide was the primary object which both fed and kept warm the people of all ethnic groups.

Hope for Today lies in the return of Jesus Christ (Yeshua) to rule and reign upon the earth over all nations. The full story of this occurred in 150-180 chapters in the Bible. Little is taught about this in many churches today where the focus is on 90 chapters of the Gospel of Christ’s first coming. Signs show the end of this age is nearing and preparedness is essential. Teaching is best exchanged in small groups of study and shared information. Resources from the Bible can be obtained at