Life in Tuun

Life in Tuun

Living life in Tuun can be a very healthy and rewarding experience. When our bodies are in Tuun we are in balance. Hundreds of millions are addicted to electronic devices. These emit harmful radiation. Screen addiction and its effect on brains are actually damaging a masterpiece of God’s creation — the human mind. The “word” tells us you are God’s Poiema “poetry/masterpiece” because of your potential to communicate with Him. The pandemic of turning to our electronic gadgets instead of this supernatural help – The olive Tree of Life – is immense.

Life in Tuun
We are like a tree drawing its roots from fresh water.

The poet David Crowder wrote of How He Loves me….He is jealous for me. Loves like a hurricane. I am a tree, bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy…it all has me bending like a tree under the weight of such great love.

These statistics should be a warning to us all. We touch our phones an average of 2,617 times every 24 hours. We are part of one of the most significant cultural phenomena in human history, screen addiction. Many struggle compulsively with cell phones and latest social media posts. To survive this predicted end time flow of bombarding information we must “cultivate our own ‘olive gardens’ physically, emotionally, and spiritually.” As American businesses face some real economic headwinds they might consider a little nugget of common sense as did the actual Olive Garden restaurant chain did when high executives in the company when they went to work at an actual restaurant. How to serve the hungry with breadsticks.

Soul Balance and Spiritual Poise

To regain our soul balance in these turbulent times we must rest and recharge. In doing so we learn the valuable lesson from aging ones: You can’t take it with you. It is one of the thoughts that can keep you centered as you go throughout your day. Its that impact of you (being irreplaceable) that can truly make a difference in another person’s life, however brief.

And, it won’t be because of your title or fancy watch you are wearing, but because of the smile you are sharing, the door you opened, or letting another person or car into the line or lane in front of you. Each one of us is irreplaceable and it is wise to take care of yourself physically to protect and recharge as we look at age – not young, not old, but timeless – with a hint of mystery. Joy may be considered as a super spreader of Christ-like traits wherever you go. You can create and maintain new systems that will improve quality of our life.

Pandemic Times