Drink in the Wild Wind

Drink in the Wild Wind to open our minds to creativity and the Holy Spirit. America is burning: When we Drink in the Wild Wind The way the world is evolving today we need to get back to the basics. This includes putting God back into all the places from where we have removed Him. His work should be one of fostering unity — not division. Today’s government is totally out of touch with this idea.

Starting from the bottom up, not the top down

Drink in the wild wind to learn from our mistakes. In today’s schools our children in the US are coddled and prepped into learning at an early age. This has led to an inverted pyramid style of learning. This is where our model goes southward. The Chinese believe in an early development and learning the basics while young. This ensures that while young the Chinese develop learning skills and problem solving ideologies. They are taught discipline at an early age and when they graduate to college life gets easier for them. It is a small wonder that out education system doesn’t work here in the US. It is due to this backwardness that our country keeps falling behind.

Minorities are Falling Further Behind

Calling for freedom

Drink in the wild wind to find enlightening words. Poet Toni Morrison who once called out the virtue of being in command of your own mind. “Being in in command of your own mind as one that manifests is the sacred privilege.” This is known to be lacking in today’s world. The attitude of young black girls entering segregated schools in the 60’s was one of decorum and respect. They had the strength from purpose and cause showing self-control and self-worth. Many of today’s young black women have no such desire or drive. Some still revere the foundings of the country as basis for freedom. Many of these girls grown into womanhood have taken up vocations such as found here:

Albert Einstein probably said it best

Looking to the father of Cosmic knowledge E=mc2. (Smithsonian 5/2018). He said the west is characterized by “Individualism to the extreme”, lovers of self, money, high minded. When referring to the Japanese woman, Einstein said “an exquisite flower-like creature….for her the common mortal must ode the word to the poet.” Hence Haiku poetry. Japanese culture involves the symbolic Neku cat which does well to display his hand of welcoming hospitality.

Drink in the Wild Wind
Yoga cat /cow stretch for pain

Drink in the Wild Wind
Drink in the Wild Wind
Missy Karate Cat – Grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus

Famous Chinese general Sun Tzu sums up the Martial Arts: “If you know yourself and know your enemy you need not fear the result of 100 battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will suffer defeat. If you know neither you will succumb in every battle.” Discover your enemy in book “Discovering God’s Natural Truth” — Cosmic religion. Call to order by phone 800-643-4645. Drink in the Wild Wind of the Holy Spirit and He will protect you. Missy says the East needs to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. The communion cup is to unify the body into one with Him in spirit.

Jesus says we need to all grow in unity. “Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and the government when they deserve it.” – Mark Twain. Favorite from “Buffalo Bill” who would often hire Native Americans from the Plains tribes so they didn’t have to live on the reservation in the 1800’s.

Drink in the Wild Wind
Learn respect for wild things