Body and Finger Motions Count

Reaching for the Stars

Hand and Finger Motion

Body and Finger Motions Count such as in 4H – HANDS TALK – They interact with energy pathways  of the body. Put hands, head, heart together for health and happiness: High Five. American Indians held up five fingers, saying “How“, to differentiate themselves from 6-fingered Nephilim (fallen ones) in Bible.  The plains Indians met to trade their buffalo hides before the arrival of Christopher Columbus in Bent’s Fort halfway between Kansas City, MO, and Santa Fe, New Mexico. They used sign language to communicate when other cultures poured in with their wares to trade. For more on this topic see here:

Prehistoric Beasts

Prehistoric Beginning

Rhinos roamed in first earth age (prehistoric times) on west coast of California – Baja, CA to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. Wooly Mammoths were found all over the United States in addition to other large mammals. A great book on the basics of this from the Bible for children is Book: “Discovering God’s Natural Truth” – Call 800 643 4645.

Reaching for the Stars

 Body and Finger Motions Count as in the O l  binary math which shaped the math calculus for modern calculator, electric sound transmission and  internet.  Archimedes in 250 B.C. discovered the problem solving for secrets of the Universe which was developed by G. W. Leibniz in1700.  Through them came mathematics for physics and engineering.  Famed for optimism, some  verse, and truth table, mentors in reading and math can utilize O I genius in The Reading Xpress With OK Reading. – fast Chinese finger counting.

Your brain has more imagination than all the high-tech special effects studies on earth – so use your brains with God-given creativity and study His laws of cosmos and math. At any given moment, billions of brain cells are communicating with each other and rapidly sending signals throughout the body. This constant chatter is called brain connectivity. Its central to everything your brain does, including learning, memory, reasoning, movement, even breathing. You have more connections in your bran than stars in the universe. “When your imagination is out of focus, it is hard to think clearly.” – Mark Twain Proverbs is a book of comparisons — Right from Wrong — 1:7 Fearing the LORD is the beginning of moral knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. 2:10 For wisdom will enter your heart (spirit), and moral knowledge will be attractive to you, and Discrection will protect you. Use your common sense.

Cracking the code

Coding from the Nazi Enigma Machine

“Learning math can be a beautiful endeavor as well as practical as it improves critical thinking in other domains.  Excellent mathematicians are like poets who speak in the wordless thought language of math and just like poets, great math minds approach their work with great creativity.   You can recognize the lion by its claws:  The book of nature is written as the language of math.”  Our debt to wordless thought when we apply ourselves to study.


In many communities we have a road to go. There are still battles to be fought. Recover the elevated happiness of the human spirit. The beauty of art and nature is one avenue to create joy. The intuitive spirit of using the Reading Buddy Dogs and the Art and Constitution Cat are all natural processes that our teachers should just guide kids toward literacy. Whole language encourages teachers to do “shared” “interactive” reading wholeness. This allows us to “sight read words” that were seen before. Therefore, there is no guess with the help of distractions and intuitions which they encounter as unfamiliar words. Live interaction is key to success.

Artifacts reclaimed from the Nazis

Hand and finger motions
National symbol of power
Hand and finger motions
“The Lost Maidens of Berlin”
finger motions
Details of picture to the left

First Things First For Today’s Youth

First Things First For Today’s Youth is a reference page for our youth to help through everyday tasks. Start out your day go here:

If you are struggling with reading abilities see here: or Reading is Fundamental with Pastor Vik here:

Vision from History—- A vision for victory

  This link will take you to a basic course on the US Constitution. Art and Constitution cat, Detective Sunshine, from the Reading Xpress highly recommends you go here.

   (Stand the shoulders of forefathers to rise and prosper.) Progressive thinking brought women into sports. A good goal is physical fitness for all ages, stages and genders. Here the Marines still say Semper Fidelis? Interaction is the key and loyalty is to be honored. Click on picture below to see how this works.


If aerobics are too much for our systems to achieve at this point, the playing of this game also add to our speed and can also be found in martial arts such as karate. Here the goal is self control and self exercise with respect to any opponent.


When reading books presented principles of God and good conduct the

Founder of Public Schools in US: Benjamin Rush, MD, shared them as his Christian faith suggested he do to train. He said “Speech vibrates the brain.” Science proves this by providing us with brain chemicals that act as good immune health boosters. These are produced in same area as speech, so “cells that wire together fire together.” This is tied together by our movements, fresh air and sunshine.

Grounded in Faith

We all need to be grounded in the Foundations of Faith and the Holy Bible as well as the 10 Commandments. We all need to go back to the fundamentals of First Things First and this is the way to start. “Benjamin Franklin said “A nation such as ours cannot exist without God” as stated above.

A Nation that can’t Read can’t Think — Be doers of the word, not merely hearers.

Amos and World Outcomes

Are you Aslan?

God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts to us in our pain. — C. S. Lewis

Reborn 3 R’s Repair, Restore, Reverse

    ABC of “Born again” – John 3:7

US Christian government and schools derived from Mayflower Contract, based on Biblical law.  New Englanders used text “The New England Primer” – reading with illustrations such as  “a,” ‘in Adam’s fall we sinned all”;

“b” heaven to find, the Bible mind”; and

“c,” “Christ crucified for sinners died.”

King David warrior spirit in midst of adversity “I am going to pursue, over take and recover” 1 Samuel 3:8 We all can look forward to his coming reign with Christ in the new millenium.

billy collins.GIF

A little known fact about Billy Collins is that he was the only current poet to earn a living with his poetry in the United States. Today, Poetry is not a very popular reading form, but it comes highly recommended for elasticity of the brain. It gets the concrete into the images whereby the brain connects to the mind.

Notable Writers and their Quotes

From Notable writers and their quotes we get “Citizenship is what makes a Republic…What keeps a Republic on it’s legs is Good Citizenship” – Mark Twain – “It is hard to think straight when your imagination is out of focus.” Helen Keller: “The only thing worse than being Blind is having Sight but no vision.” Though both Blind and Deaf she shows us how to simply keep your inner eye on God for wisdom and a new perspective: Right Thinking. One right thought is worth 100 hands. “Poetry searches for music amidst the tumult of the dictionary.” — Boris Pasternak.

“Helen Keller” by Langston Hughes

Helen Keller

In the dark,

found light.

Brighter than, many ever see,

Within herself,

Found lovliness,

Though all souls can master,

And now the world receives

From her dower

The message of her strength

of inner power.

More notable quotes From Notable writers and their quotes

“Great thoughts and a pure heart, that is what we should ask from God.” — J. Goethe

Mark Twain reminds us to “Get the story in place, then find rhyme in your reason.” Two important days in your life: When you were born and why you were born. About the time Twain visited Israel Abraham Lincoln cautioned America. With reference to the Constitution he said: “We have been recipients of choicest bounties of heaven…we have become too proud to pray to the God that made us.”

The Constitution led America to define themselves by their shared values not by their inconsequential appearances. The melting pot ethos of e pluribus unum blending diverse people into one through assimilation, integration and intermarriage. The US has the foundation of the oldest Constitutional Republic still in existence today. It was primarily designed to protect personal freedom, property, and individual liberty from both oppressive government elites and periodic mob frenzies.

To help keep your head on straight and your inner vision intact go here.

Positive Outcomes From Covid

The positive outcomes from Covid are the shutdowns. Our cities seem to be like the one here of Jerusalem on the Sabbath. Shutdowns can be where people stay at home with family and friends to spend time in quiet fellowship. Food was enjoyed with much sharing and fellowship. Rushing around no more to get here and there in a rat race.

Reading is Fundamental

Positive outcomes
Postivie Outcomes
Keep your eye on the ball

The positive outcomes from Covid are we have time to wind down and pick up a good book. Mental skills can improve. In quiet meditation a reader can compose his thoughts and retreat from the incessant bombardment of the media’s agenda. It is a time to form bonds as parents and friends help to enable the skill of learning through letters. Movement is essential to learning and brain usage. This is illustrated through the digital language l’s and O’s. This is the basic alphabet for letters. Shapes of the bat and ball in baseball.

People helping people

When we gathered together during this lockdown we had a chance to help each other. This can be with mundane tasks such as yardwork, painting, card games, tutoring or a myriad of other things. These activities should keep everyone mutually engaged so no one gets bored. Where people gather together we now have the ability to teach and learn. Do not squander that time together!

Wimpy kid supports poetry if it is about his favorite sport, baseball. Stick man and Poki can learn to Play Ball too!

Ancestor to star cat of the OK Reading Book, Detective Sunshine, has some news to relieve you about your DNA. Though, this is just one way we can change our environment and life experiences. This may come out like the cats did from leopard to panther.

Art and Constitution Cat

You too can make a change

Just as the leopard couldn’t change his spots, we see otherwise in the panther. The leopard’s spots allow him to camouflage himself in the jungle. The panther also uses camouflage, but his is the shadows in the jungle. If you want to escape a habit that is killing you, look to God. He can do the impossible.

Spark Hope For Your Covid Recovery

Spark hope for your Covid Recovery with poems by Amanda Gorman “Call Us What We Carry.” This poet captures a shipwrecked moment in time and transforms it into a lyric of hope and healing.


. . . Anxiety is a living body.

It is the last creature standing,
Poised beside us like a shadow.
The only beast who loves us
Enough to stay.
. . . We were already thousands
of deaths into the year
every time we fell heart-first into the news,
…..Head first, dread first,
Our bodies tight and tensed with what now?
Yet who has the courage to inquire what if?
What hope shall we shelter
Within us like a secret,
Second smile
Private & pure.
Sorry if we’re way less friendly-
We had Covid tryna and things.
…We shift with instinct,
Like the flash of a school of fish.
Our regard for one another
Not tumored,
Just transformed
This glassed hour, paused,
Bursts like a loaded star,
Belonging always to us.
What more must we believe in
Spark Hope For Your Covid Recovery


. . There is nothing more worrisome
Than a titan who believes itself
Separate from the world.
. . .The announcement
Swung blunt as an axe-blow:
All students were to leave

Campus as soon as possible.
. . .There is power in being robbed
& still choosing to dance.


We were sick of home,
Home sick.
That mask around our ear
hung itself into the year.
. . . Our mask is no veil, but a view.
What are we, if not what we see in another.


Touch-deficient &
Light-starved we were ,
Like an inverted flame,
Eating any warmth down to its studs.
. . .What we have lived
Remains indecipherable.
. . .Watch us move above the fog
like a promontory at dusk.
Shall this leave us bitter?
or better?
Then choose.

& SO

It is easy to harp,
Harder to hope.
. . .Since the world is round,
There is no way to walk away
From each other, for even then
We are coming back together.


There is no simple way to hurt.
The real damaged is dammed, disrupted.
We must change this ending in everyway.
. . .Some days, we just need a place
Where we can bleed in peace.
Our only word for this is


. . .Despair exits us the same way it enters-
Turning through the mouth.

Even now conviction
Strange magic on our tongues.


…Yes, nostalgia has it purposes-
Transport from the spectered,
The jobs never coming back,
The mother’s primal screams,
Our childrens minds shuttered from school,
The funerals without familes,
Wedding in waiting,
The births in isolation.
Let no one again
Have to begin, love, or end, alone.

Goal: chop into flow


As of May 2023 While we are not in crisis mode any longer, we can’t let our guard down per WHO, (World Health Organization.) There have been over 1,124,000 deaths in US from confirmed cases. It was deemed the 4th leading cause of death by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. We still do not know China’s role due to lack of cooperation on the issue.

Freedom of Speech

We started on our path to Freedom of Speech way back in 1735. This is when Peter Zenger spoke his mind in the Colonial Court. The Jury defended him for saying things against those in Authority. The common man started the creation of Free Speech in the New World. In 1776 the Declaration of Independence declared that they have inalienable rights. One of these rights is Definitely the Freedom of Speech. This Freedom has been vital to Freedom and Learning and the gaining of knowledge, This continued up until the 1990’s with the Rise of the Internet.

The Rise of Technology

freedom of speech

Knowledge is the accumulation of facts. This knowledge was gathered in books and passed down through many generations. Reading was an essential skill–Reading is Fundamental-“A Nation that Can’t Read Can’t Think.” The sharing of ideas in both the written and spoken word were the foundations of all known teachings and principles. Many of these ideas and principles were put forth in early readers. For READING FUNDAMENTALS for the teaching of youth and the “Hard of Learning” see HERE:

The Rise of The Internet

When this Country was founded, we had limited ability to gather and share information. Freedom of the Press was now expanded by the Internet. And, because of that we now have the ability to freely share any information we have. This is the Life Blood of the Democracy. To learn more about this, GO HERE—–Reading series readers- Happy cat pic. Beginning reading book-integrity for todays youth.

New Information Age

freedom of speech

From Dr. Oz: “As a doctor, these lockdowns and mandates angered me.”  Washington got COVID wrong, taking away our freedom without making us safer. Our government needs to adopt a more holistic and focused approach in developing and implementing policies in response to pandemics like the COVID-19 virus. Our past and current ones have been sweeping and broad-based — with major collateral damage.

Update As of May 2023 While we are not in crisis mode any longer, we can’t let our guard down per WHO, (World Health Organization.) There have been over 1,124,000 deaths in US from confirmed cases. It was deemed the 4th leading cause of death by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. We still do not know China’s role due to lack of cooperation on the issue.

Operation Warp Speed

The Internet spawned much information, good, bad and downright ugly. Thus were the how’s and Why’s of Covid-19. Thus it was that the Vaccine held certain hazards for many Individuals. This was kept off the Internet. This should have been reserved for the stars as it was NOT integrated in a timely manner. Thus, the rush to production, falling far short of being a great 20th Century achievement.

The Internet has provided many types of products that have proven useful in the treatment of this virus. Among them are such things as Zinc. Ivermectin, and hydroxychloroquine. Vitamin D3 and Quercetin.

GLUTATHIONE ~ one of the few substances that can detoxify your cells from snake venom, vaccines, prescription drugs, chemicals and air and water pollutants. IMMUNOCAL ~ A safe, scientifically proven, effective, NATURAL way to provide the glutathione your body needs to HEAL, DETOXIFY, RE-BUILD your cells and PROTECT them from further damage! For more information, including published studies and special pricing, phone Candice @ 888-428-8557.  Mention “Detective Sunshine” for discounts! 

Relief from Disinformation

Operation Warp Speed was a project that promoted the Covid -19 Vaccine. This was foisted on the American Public at a speed that had never taken place before. Sadly, the Mass Health Results DID NOT occur. This was due to the lack of testing time needed on humans for the intended Health Results. Therefore, the Staggering Negative Data from the vaccine resulted. Freedom of Speech was thus curtailed. Natural cures and preventative medicine were not allowed into this process.

Among the Many Natural forms of Alternative Medicine are things called Nootropics. This is a brand new mixture of Natural Ingredients mixed into a suspension for our bodies to process quickly. This allows clearing of our “Brain Fog” and also enables us to react and respond quickly. For further explanation, see here:

To The Stars Through Difficulty

This is the Kansas State Motto, interpreted from Latin. This is definitely the way that Freedom of Speech has gone in this day and age. Today’s Social Media Engineers are truly leaving Students behind by NOT enforcing lessons of the past. The 3 R’s have fallen by the wayside. Thus, resulting in today’s lack of learning and Education. Today’s Youth have become a biproduct of this lack of fundamental Education and it shows. Reaching for the Stars is thus impossible! Much because the Basic Math Fundamentals have NOT been taught. This is because of the lack of the use of fractional-numbers with an explanation point-! The Fibonnaci Principle Ratios for Spiritual Geometry are thus unreachable because they are no longer taught. We literally need this because without it we cannot measure Light Years, Distances and Stars!


Fears of the A-Bomb and Pandemics drove us to huddle in masses like sheep. Thus we need to be aware of things that will not break our bodies down, but rather build them up. C S Lewis voiced that we should join together in community and share rather than distance ourselves from each other. This has caused a rift in vaccinated versus unvaccinated to the point of job insecurity. Misinformation abounds as to just what we should do or believe. Thus, we don’t know who or what to believe in anymore. smokey cat vid–just as Aslan affected culture through the book- The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, we should all be like Smokey—PRAY!!

God’s Question to Job:

Where were you when I laid the Foundations of the Earth, tell me, if you posses understanding! it’s measurements- or who stretched a measuring Line across it?

Age. This is to insure that the ideals of Individual Freedom and limited Government Win the Day.

Missy, The Karate Cat recommends that we listen to this Black Belt Karate Champion on Blog Talk Radio

The first question is, why study civics? As the classical authors teach us, living under laws is natural for human beings. After all, we can think in different ways than other creatures, and we can talk. Whatever we can think, we can say. That makes a natural closeness among us, and the political community is an expression of that closeness. For that reason alone, civics is one of those subjects that the educated person must know.

True Patriot

These Suggestions promote Freedom of Speech. Failure to follow the guidelines of Free Speech undermines our Democracy! To enjoy your Freedom of Speech in this Great Democratic Country, why not Toast to it with a bottle of Fine Wine

Freedom of speech

From Alphabet to Anxiety to Alzheimer’s

Alphabet to anxiety
Referencing I to O’s

When we go from Alphabet to Anxiety to Alzheimer’s – I to O -we go “from pieces into peace.” We can work binary. We can reverberate with the poetic song of Bob Dylan: “Hey Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me In the jingle jangle morning I’ll come followin’ you. And take me disappearing through the smoke rings of my mind. Down the foggy ruins of time. Far past the frozen leaves. The haunted, frightened trees Out to the windy seas. Far from the twisted reach Of crazy sorrow. Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free Silhouetted by the sea. Circled by the circus sands. With all memory and fate Driven deep beneath the waves. Let me forget about today.” Esquire: “The dead leave clues, and life is a puzzle of trying to read and understand these mysterious hints before the game is over.” — Samantha Hunt. Since art is the highest expression of man’s soul, See Dylan’s art.

Bob Dylan Paintings

In the words of Bob Dylan, ” Anxiety occurring with today’s mishaps can be relieved through poetry. “Anxiety is difficult to manage, but is fundamental to every treatment, much like the meditation and memorization of the Scripture. When the Word Of God is coursing through or minds, it keeps our thoughts filtered, clean and clear. An example is when poet Czeslaw Milosz confronted California wildfires and placed them beside the earlier WW  II Destruction of Warsaw:

Choking on Air……

“We are choking on the air, which is filled with particles of everything that has burned so far. As we inhale not only the blazing houses and stores and garages but also what’s in them, all this is toxic, when airborne — asbestos in roofs and siding, car batteries, cadmium in tv sets and mercury from old thermometers, detergents and cleaners, the contents of medicine cabinets, nail polish remover, paint thinner, light bulbs and electronics — all go up in the smoke plumes and fumes.  We inhale the dead, too, every breath we draw.”   Czeslaw Milosz, self exiled Polish poet, didn’t simply write about the vanished buildings and people.  He inhaled the dead and exhaled poetry. To inhale healthy air and escape Alzheimer’s see here:

Alphabet to Anxiety
Alphabet to anxiety
Reading Buddy Dog

When we go from Alphabet to Anxiety to Alzheimer’s we can look at the need for a holy spirit filled direction. This amounts to using algorhythmic symbols l and O to learn the letters of the alphabet. These letters help to send and receive information on our computers, as well as via our electrons which connect with the chemicals and organs in our brain/body system. A good beginning reading book for this is “The Reading Xpress With OK Reading.”

Sugar and Mental Health

A new study in Science Advances looked at data that shows patients with mental disorders consume around two times as much sugar as peers without mental health issues and excessive sugar intake contributes to the development of psychiatric disorders in susceptible folks. The researchers then constructed a lab study that shows excess sugar intake around puberty may be especially risky — making it even more likely for teens to developmental health problems. Avoiding sweeteners. A conclusion is to get your sweets from whole fruits and enjoy 1 ounce of 80% dark chocolate a day. Avoid processed foods. If you use honey and molasses the better. Stevia the best sugar replacement. Go for a Mediterranean Diet — or plant based diet a fresh, whole-food diet. If these suggestions are not enough for optimum clarity of thought see here:

How the gut creates and cures disease–a medical frontier. It is key — how large intestine turns nutrients into metabolites that influence both our physical and mental health. Serotonin being the “feel good” neurotransmitter for depression, anxiety, ADHD, autism, bi-polar, sleep disorders, and Schizophrenia. Among other things the metabolites influence immune maturation, “immune homeostasis,” host energy metabolism -training the immune system to fight cancer.

Alphabet to anxiety
Smokey the cat

We all need to be like Smokey and PRAY DAILY! Pray Effectively — Keep Seeking, Knocking, Keep Asking Questions to find your path and identity. For more Healthy Living advice and Healing, GO HERE: Motto of Christ: “For God, to God, and Through God are all things.” You can bring quality into your life and enhance your health by the way you think and act — align your thinking and will with God’s.

Dr. Seuss’ Solution to School Closures

Dr. Seuss Solution

Dr. Seuss’ Solution to School Closures starts with elephants drinking water. When our friendly cats come for a drink, they find the tub is empty! they come up with a solution of comfort for the students — cat cafes. Water is the truth. When the water runs out, who comes up with the answer? Cats. They are appropriated on a time schedule, thus comforting worried students. These are also appearing in many cities. But, this is not a comprehensive enough plan for many thousands that are “left behind.” The elephants are the Republican Party and the donkeys represent the Democratic Party, (er the cart before the donkey being cartels in our schools). Both parties are out of sync with the common man.

Amazingly, Dr. Seuss doesn’t believe in making make people sick first, and then try to sell them a remedy product as a cure. For healthy products to help with learning and retention (memory) go here:

We can solve complex problems with a simple word PET.  Explorer is  one of the world’s most advanced medical (PET)  scanners.  You lie down on a pad & enter a tube that produces as 3D picture of your insides in half a minute.  This tech is expensive and not widely available, but its going to play an important role in the future of medicine.  For now we have the Cat Scan. This device is advanced X-rays that can see the inside of us.  Just as we scan the unseen part of the soul by the Holy Spirit.

Scat Scan Discovery


Cats possess the knowledge that some things just need burying! And, so it is with dinosaur feces. Scanning fossils, it is amazing what has been unearthed in the content of fossilized feces. The Scat Scan Discovery (powerful x-ray technique) to scan an ancient droppings of dung from a dinosaur relative up to 8 feet long. To see the 3D scans of bugs (beetles) inside the 230 Million Year old scat brings vision of life in the first world age. Then the cherub Lucifer Rebelled against God. Which resulted in his spirit being sent to earth with 1/3 of the other angelic beings. He roams here as a roaring lion seeking to devour whom he can.

Dr Seuss Solution
Alphabet cats in Dr. Seuss’ Hat

Just as cats thrive and delight in Fancy Feast petites — Love in a snap –So can humans with Bran snap and send a legacy of Love. So you can spark the change and Kindle the Fire. The ultimate victor is good Lion of Judah.

Though somewhat intimidating, we need God to point out areas that need improvement.  If we Grok it, (to drink in understanding) we ask: “Lord search me and know my heart.”  Ps 139:17-24.  Our “pet cats” can show us this power and necessity for reflection.  Poets tell us that the “fog comes in on little cat feet” (darkness).  To enrich our lives we use the gentle purr and presence of cats. Thus, we can learn to “walk circumspectly like a cat” to enjoy the dew (light) of the refreshing truth/grace/Holy Spirit.  The cat analogy is best accomplished by use of our own pet cats as some have done in cat cafes.

Hat Trick

The alphabet cats in the hat need last, but certainly not least, Z cat with his Voom to clean up spots in the snow. We have need for cleaning up of our souls. Much like the alphabet cats are doing helpful things. God added a Voom to us through the blood of Jesus.

Pet Therapy is a Real Thing

Bet you didn’t even know this existed. Cat Cafes. Cat cafés have become themed cafés whose main attraction are the cats who can be watched and played with. Patrons pay an hourly cover fee. And, Therefor, the cat cafés can a form of supervised indoor pet rental. “Cat café” has been a source of comfort for many people. Millennials are somehow attracted to this new type of therapy. Then, you can choose to use live cats or reading cats for your every-day solution. Make your best choice!

Dr. Seuss Solution to school Closures
Celebrate your life with others — “Your wine goes down smoothly; not my will but Your will be done” as Song of Solomon 7:9

Try some Cataphatic thinking and talking: “My God will rescue me (as in Book of Daniel). God fights my battles for me as I rest in safety. I enter into the joy of the Lord.” Pray out loud. There is power in believing God’s Word in our hearts and then speaking it out of our mouths. God reveals himself to babes and is closer to us than our own heartbeats.

For online school teaching facts and values

I am a Martial Artist

Martial Artist
-Karen Eden Herdman

I am a Martial Artist

Volunteer/Inner-city martial arts program: In 2000, Master Karen joined The Salvation Army. Thus, starting the largest inner-city martial arts program in the world. In this all volunteer program, Many Instructors volunteer their time at a local Salvation Army facility. And, this program is fully funded by and for them.  In August of 2017, Karen was presented with “The Presidents Lifetime Achievement Award.” This cited “…for her lifelong commitment to building a stronger nation through volunteer service.”

Karen is also a proud multi nationality, Cherokee Native American woman. She works on social projects with the Cherokee nation on their tribal lands and reservations. She also teaches to street youth and past gang members. Most of these reside in the under- privileged areas of Denver, Colorado.

Multi-faceted Minister

Joy Hargo, Poet Laureate of US

A passionate Christian, and I am a Martial Artist, as well as an ordained minister, she serves as a member of the Salvation Army, the Scout Movement and as a DAR Chaplain. She also shares in her love of poetry as well as her Cherokee Heritage with Poet Laureate, Joy Hargo.

Karen has appeared in, or has written for, almost every major martial arts magazine in the USA. She has appeared in 2 films; doing stunt work in Van Damme’s “Sudden Death,” and acting as News Anchor in Cynthia Rothrock’s “Sworn to Justice.”

Her ministry brings in spiritual teachings for personal motivation. Karen also hosts Blog-Talk Radio shows. She sees the connection between spiritual warfare and earthly warfare. Master Karen Eden Herdman is a 7th degree Martial Arts Master. Thus, becoming only one in a very small percentage of women in her art form of Tang Soo Do to obtain this rank. Therefore she is among only a handful of women that can teach anti-terrorist and tactical maneuvers to the Federal Air Marshall Services.

Poem - Martial Arts.jpg

Robert Heinlein (Poet, Science Fiction): “How we behave toward cats determines our status in heaven.” Missy perked up her ears. She proudly became the “Karate Cat” to show the virtues of the martial arts and spirituality.” For those of all ages suffering from panic attacks – the deer in the headlights syndrome– suggested reading is “The Karate Choke.” by Paul Breau. This book outlines the principles of karate resounding with those of Jesus.

Missy, Karate Cat

Visualization for Pain Relief

Pain Relief
Rx for healing from pain

Visualization for pain relief is an old tried and true method. The poet, Walt Whitman, may not have been the first to try this method but he certainly won’t be the last. Whitman read to the troops when he wasn’t attending to their needs as a nurse in the US Civil War. He used this method, visualization, so that the injured could conjure up images in their minds. This would alleviate pain by “going somewhere else.” Reset your thinking into rejoicing in Ephesians 1 (Bible) by working of the Holy Spirit. C.S. Lewis quote – “The fact that our heart yearns for something Earth can’t supply is proof that Heaven must be our home.” Lewis further states to “Aim at heaven first and get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and get O.” The ultimate poetry useful for transforming the brain is in the Bible. This is where the flow of God’s words are committed to us in specific sound patterns to transform our thinking.

Mind over matter

When you’re in pain visualization works on the theory that your brain actually can control your pain. Visualization for pain relief works on the theory that if you’re not thinking about your pain but focusing on something pleasant your pain will lessen. It is based on the knowledge that the brain region that regulates pain also processes mental imagery.

Join the Red Hat Society

One person who can see (visualize) can teach 1,000 to think. The thought moves the body. Where the attention goes, the energy flow Dr. Emmett Miller is widely acclaimed for his role in creating the field of Mind-Body Medicine. We can apply his innovative thinking and techniques of Integrative Medicine for optimum health and performance. Visualization can actually help heal the body and the mind. If your mind is thinking about pleasant things while visualizing pleasant sites, then your body can’t be hurting.

The next step is to speak the healing words. A good start is religious poetry. Find it here: This will also tend to “vibrate the brain.” This, in turn, excites the nerves into producing endorphins and serotonin for a healing mode. Another Civil War vet, Mark Twain, says “history may not repeat itself, but it rhymes.” A stitch (rhyme) in time saves nine! Make your body’s own “rife generator” by going here: A modern “example prime of spoken rhyme” is rap. One master performer is Snoop Dogg. He embraced the gospel and reggae and became a multi-talented entertainment juggernaut. He shares his advice on growing older.: “You got to treat yourself like fine wine. They say fine wine, it gets better over time.” You can begin by “celebrating yourself” with fine wine delivered to your door in an unmatched fellowship for sharing:

Three new smart phone Apps for Pain Control:

Joint Academy: (Connects people with physical therapists for daily exercise)

Manage my pain: (Helps users track pain and what treatments help the most.)

Patient Controller: (Allows user to adjust implanted neurostimulation devices easily)

Pain relief
Spark your imagination with Sophia
Rife Generator
Rife Generator available @ 1-888-563-5335

Sophia, world’s admired and advanced “human” robot can work like a tiger. But, she can’t think her way out of a paper sack! No abstract thought for healing can come from her as there is no “elasticity of the brain” which can come from poetry.