Immune System

Immune System input into illness was recognized in 1988 by Osterhaus. Suspecting that the underlying cause of illness and depletion of seals in Northern Europe must be causesed by a virus attacking the immune system. Signs of infection distemper in seals — one similar to, but not identical to, the lethal microbe that kills dogs and other members of the canine family. Animals contaminated by certain synthetic chemicals can derail the normal expression of sexual characteristics of animals, in some cases masculinizing females and feminizing males.

Not normal

Not normal is the sexual transformance resulting from these chemicals. The good news is that UC Anschutz is parading a cure for cancer from the study of the Immune System. Beings this autoimmune system disease has a forthcoming breakthrough cure in sight we should be glad and open to the many healthful possibilities coming forth. See “Our Stolen Future” by Theo Coldborn, Dianne Dumanoski and John Peterson Myers.


The early documentation of the immune system relating to Covid virus by Dr. Judy Mikovits in “The Plague of Corruption” was stolen and suppressed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, before he jailed her. Her book was positively awarded mention by RFK in the foreward. To take care or ourselves in these troubled times with not knowing which way to turn best to take healthy immune builders rather than vaccines.